Evangelize Ind ia Now!mam Mission dollars win far more souls to Christ when used to train nationals in thorough heart and head preparation. $10 a month pays for room and board for a student at Hindustan Bible Institute, Madras, India.
Dr. William W. Orr, Chairman of Board
Dr. Hugh Murchison, Vice-Chairman
Rev. Clinton Goodwin,
Treasurer fim m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m •HINDUSTAN BIBLE Gentlemen: □ Please send information. J INSTITUTE INC ^ Enclosed find $....... . for student support. J Dept. K Box 2 *1 5 Name -------------------------------------------- ■ Terminal Annex Address ............. ........................ ............— S~. ■ Los Angeles, (a lii. 90054 ....................................................._____ _________
JUN IOR K ING 'S BUSINESS For many months I have enjoyed the Junior KING’S BUSINESS stories written by Betty Bruechert. I am ten years old, and always look forward to reading her stories. I wondered if it would be possible to republish some of the older stories she has written. I am always disappointed when one of her stories is not in THE KING’S BUSI NESS. Belli Gather, Tujunga, California E ditor ’ s N ote : The suggestion o-f Beth Garber is a good one, and we are an ticipating more articles by Brs. Brue chert in the near future. WHERE ARE THEY? Just a word to let you know THE KING’S BUSINESS has been a real blessing to me. I noted the recent comments about the covers, but I feel they are very attractive. I only wish we knew where all these pretty places are. Could this be noted on the inside? Bette Antelman, Gardena, California The only thing we find lacking in your beautiful magazine covers is that you don’t put a note inside telling us the location or a little about the people we find there. The contents, however, more than make up for anything lack ing in the covers. Mr. and Mrs. John Lander, Coalinga, California COVER SUGGESTION I wish to comment on the cover of your magazine. I like the magazine very much and have been a subscriber for several years. I use many of the articles in my Bible class work and find them both interesting and helpful. In the April 1964 issue a Los Angeles reader wanted to see a Bible verse on the cover. Why not have a Biola stu dent select his favorite Scripture verse for each month of the year? Mrs. E. Johnson, San Francisco, Califom’* SPORTS ON SUNDAY ? In your April issue you have an ac count of Felipe Alou, who was given a Bible and who reads it. But do not these teams play on the Lord’s day, and is that not a desecration of His day? We are told that whatsoever we do, we are to do all to the glory of God. Is a Christian glorifying God even if he does read the Bible, if he is not abiding by its precepts? The money spent on sports on the Lord’s day alone could be used very profitably in the Lord’s work. Mrs. H. Jessie Dickson, Victoria, B.C.
Dr. N. Paul V. Gupta, President and Director
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