King's Business - 1964-09

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vehemently denounce these sinister trends with all o f the convic­ tion at their command. I f the editor has not made it plain that he thus supports Christian parents, he must acknowledge failure to express properly what has been in his mind and that which has been the sole purpose o f his editorials. Another criticism relates to editorials on Communism and the editor’s definite convictions concerning this satanically-in- spired, anti-God movement. It is claimed that our business is only to proclaim the unsearchable riches o f Jesus Christ and to forget political ideologies. I f Communism was merely a political ideology, this would be a valid criticism. However, Communism is vastly more than a political system. Striking at the very heart o f the spiritual nature o f mankind, it is, in essence, a religious system o f unbelief which manifests itself through political or­ ganizations. Being atheistic, Communism is essentially a false religion. We must understand that atheism is as much a religion as is any type o f theism. Communism is an atheistic religion striving to secure possession o f men’s souls as well as their bodies and their posses­ sions. This is where we, as Christians, must enter the conflict. Even as we are called upon to warn men and women against other forms o f false religion, so must we warn them against this false religion. Christians should be well-informed and continually on guard lest the wicked Communistic ideology sweep over our own beloved land. Do not think for a moment it cannot happen here. We are witnessing before our very eyes the beginnings o f a total take-over unless unitedly we take our stand and say to these advocates o f atheism, "thus far shalt thou go and no farther.” Regardless o f what was formerly thought by individuals as to the advisability o f Bible reading in the public schools, the simple facts are that the denial o f this right was sponsored, ad­ vocated and finally accomplished in large measure by those who would deny freedom to worship God according to the dictates o f our hearts and consciences. In saying this it is not to be con­ strued for a moment that one is accusing any member o f the Supreme Court o f being a Communist or even Communistically- inspired. However, we believe we are in the realm o f sound think­ ing when we say that the net result o f the unfortunate ruling o f the Supreme Court at this particular time was a source o f real encouragement to Communists and Communistic sympathizers in this country and around the world. It has served to encourage the individuals who sponsored this demand on the part o f the Supreme Court to refuse Bible reading in public schools to con­ tinue their avowedly atheistic, Communistic efforts to eliminate all chaplains from our armed forces, the phrase, "In God We Trust” from the coin o f the realm, in requiring that all religious property be taxed and in other ways ruling God out o f our national life and, ultimately, surely, out o f our personal lives. (continued on page 41)

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