King's Business - 1918-07



A Cheery Response We have been gratified by some very acceptable responses to our appeal for financial help at this time, and shall be grateful for the prayers and assistance o f all friends and readers o f T h e K in g ' s B u s in e s s . The following response was particularly cordial, sympathetic and encouraging to us, coming from a friend in New Jersey: “I am enclosing my check for $50 in answer to your Appeal for Help, and truly hope that your $50,000 will be given you. I wish to express the pleasure it gives me to receive T h e K in g ' s B u s in e s s , and how much J enjoy your editorials, especially those connected with the war—showing up those who are preaching false doctrines. May God be with you spiritually and financially, and carry your work to a great success.” This shows the service flag o f the Bible Institute, as at present represented. •You will notice that it spells “Bible Institute o f Los Angeles.” More stars are coming to f light, and will form a border around the flag. ------------0— -------- Our Service Flag

the Armenians being permitted to suffer what they have. That the Armenians, those among them , who were really Christians, have been permitted to suffer these things, is only one more illustration o f the truth of God’ s Word. Any one who thinks that a person is not to suffer any great distresses if he becomes a Christian, has an entirely untrue and unbiblical conception o f what is involved in being a Christian. We should never forget that we are followers o f a crucified Lord, and that He Himself said in Matt. 16:24, “I f any man would come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me." The cross is what the Christian should expect, not what he should wonder at, The cross is what we should expect and not the applause o f the world and an easy time. So the sufferings o f the Armenians are not at all to be won­ dered at. The thing to be wondered at is that most o f us do not have to suffer more for Christ. But all 'these sufferings have a wonderful reward if they really are suf­ fered for Christ’s sake, for our Lord Jesus says in another place, “I f any man serve me, let him follow me (Matt. 16:24 tells us what is involved in following Him) ; and where I am there shall also my servant he, if any man serve me, him will the Father honor” (John 12:26).' W e are told in Rom. 8 :17, if we “suffer with” Him, then shall we “also be glorified with Him.”

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