King's Business - 1918-07



“ The Menace of Modernism” W E take pleasure, in calling attention to a new publication from the pen of Dr. W . B. Riley, pastor of the First Baptist Church o f Minneapolis, entitled “ The Men­ ace o f Modernism.” The Table o f Contents is as follows: “What Is the True Meaning o f Modern­ ism? Is Modernism a Real Menace? Is Modernism Undermining the Evangelical Ministry? Has" the 'State University Become a Hotbed o f Heterodoxy? Do Our Denominational Colleges Deny the Evangelical' Faith? Is the Modern Bible School-God’s "Antidote to Skepticism? Is a Confederacy o f Conservatives the Call o f the Hour?” This is a strong, forceful, timely and pungent presentation o f a theme o f the utmost importance to every true and faith­ ful believer in the great doctrines o f the inerrant Scriptures. I f every Christian man and woman who hold the Bible in their hands as the infallible rule of, faith and practice* -could read this book, it would enlighten them concerning conditions, and fortify them in their fight in defense of DON’T MISS THIS! The Last Opportunity— Ten Classics for One Dollar! \ \ T E are closing out the Montrose * V Library. Every book is a classic. Titles pre as follow s: “ The Divine Unity o f Christianity,” “ Christ and the Scriptures,” “The Hidden Life,” by Dr. Adolph Saphir. “ The Wonders o f Prophecy,” , by John Urquhart. “ The Lord from Heaven,” “The Gospel and Its Ministry,” by Sir Robert Anderson. “ Satan,” by Lewis Chafer. “Higher Criticism and the New Theol­ ogy*” by Dr. R. A. Torrey.

the faith delivered once for. all to the saints. W e would urge our readers to possess this book, and give it thoughtful consideration. It can be had through our Book Room. (T.C.H .) “ Robert Garry” O PECIAL attention is called to the ^ advertisement elsewhere* in this num­ ber o f T h e K in g ’ s B u s in e s s o f a little book entitled “ Robert Garry : The Man of One Book,” who went about doing good. This is a memorial o f a rare life, edited by S. M. Sayford, an old friend o f Mr. Garry’s and well qualified to present a short story o f his unique life. The proceeds from the sale o f the book are to be given to Mrs. Garry, whose com­ panionship and sacrifice made it possible for her husband to devote his life to the interests o f the Lord’s work. It was the writer’s privilege to know and love Robert Garry, and he is sure that there will come to every reader o f this brief story an inspiration for Bible study and devoted service. (T . C. H .). “The Growing Church,” by Dr. Cleland B. McAfee. , These books are paper covered. If cloth- bound, with the present high cost of print­ ing, they would cost you $7.50. You will never again be able to purchase, them at the price at which they are now offered. They should be in thè library o f every Christian home ; they should be in the libraries o f all the cantonments in the United States; nothing could be more help­ ful for the soldiers and sailors. While they last, these ten splendid books will be sent you postpaid for $1.00. Qrder from the Biola Book Room, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California.

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