King's Business - 1918-07



How to Help in a Great Work T ) Y becoming a member o f the .'“Fellow-' *-* ship Association o f the Fible Institute of Los Angeles,” you can assist in its great work. Day and night Our workers are giving the Gospel to a multitude o f people; through*, them homes are blest, hearts aré comforted, souls are saved and believers are built up in their most holy, faith. We crave your sympathetic interest and practical support. The preaching Of the. Gospel is to them that perish, foolishness, but unto them that'believe, it is the power o f God untò salvation., Any person may become a member of the Fellowship Association by the payment of the $5.00 annual fee. Your name will then be enrolled and a membership certificate issued you. By means ,o f this Fellowship Associa­ tion, the Institute seeks to enlarge its per­ manent constituency o f interested praying people. Each member will receive T h e K in g ' s B u s in e s s , the official monthly mag­ azine o f the Institute. Or, if you are already a subscriber to it, your subscription will be advanced one year. The Bible Institute conducts department work, under direction of competent leaders, as follows^: (1) Student Training, for Christian work. (2) Bible Women. (House to house visi­ tation and neighborhood classes.)

( 6 ) City Mission, thoroughly manned. (7) Seamen’s Work. ( 8 ) Extension Work. (Evangelistic and •Bible Classes.) (9) Bible ,Conference Work.

(10) Work in Oil Fields. (11) Books and Tracts. (12) " Foreign Work.

U"; '' o ' ' / c Alumni Homecoming

The Alumni o f the Institute will have its Annual Homecoming and banquet, Tuesday, June 25. It is planned to make this of more importance than usual this year. The pro- .gramme will begin at 4 p. m., with a Fel­ lowship meeting in the social parlors. This will afford an opportunity to greet old friends and meet new ones. At 6 p. mi~the banquet will be served with a programme following, The theme will be “The Lord hath done great things for us, whereof we are glad.” Representatives from the Grad­ uating Class and the Alumni will speak and Dr. Torrey will give the address. The business meeting o f the Association will conclude, the evening. The officers for the present year are: Don D. Donnan, presi­ dent; Mrs. Carla Duncan, vice-president;' Miss "Katherine Finchy, recording secre­ tary.; Mrs. Lyman Stewart, secretary-treas­ urer. The dues to the Association are fifty cents a year, and each member contributes one dollar to the Alumni Scholarship Fund. The publication o f the Biola Alumni Annual will .follow wjthin a month after the Homecoming.

(3) Spanish Work. (4) Jewish Work. (5) Shop and Factory Meetings.

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