King's Business - 1918-07

O UR work continues from week to week, always giving out the message, sometimes early in the morning, often late at night, “in season and out o f season, rejoicing in hope, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord.” W e usually find five or six Christians out o f the five or six hundred persons on a lease, so with the unsaved who will come in to hear the Word, our congregations are not as a rule over fifteen or twenty. For this reason we do mostly personal work among the men and give them the Gospel by word o f mouth, leaving a Gospel tract with them. In a few places we get excellent congre­ gations, and if we listened to the “flesh” we would go to' those places, for we do enjoy a good crowd to preach to; but our precious Lord could go all the way down from Judea to Samaria to give the water of life to one poor, lost woman. “ He must needs go” are the sweet words, and we know that God would have us to go to the few saints here and there and comfort them with His own blessed Word. Has not the Lord Jesus Himself said “Where two or three are gathered together, there am I?” So we often hold Cottage Bible studies and preachings. The Lord was manifestly present in such a little gathering the other afternoon, where about fifteen or twenty were present. They sat in the living room, kitchen and on the beds, listening to the Word. As

we spoke o f “ Him whom God hath highly exalted and given a Name which is above every name” it was wonderful to see how the Holy Spirit seemed to touch all hearts and we trust some found peace with God. One dear lady, over sixty years old, with tears in her eyes said, “W e are ever so thankful,” and our own heart was touched with a sense o f the Lord’s presence with us. The way has opened up very wonderfully so that we are soon to have twenty-five beautiful tract boxes, which we shall take great pleasure in putting up on the differ­ ent leases, in the clubs and reading rooms, and keep them supplied with the sincere milk o f God’s Word. W e expect also to soon receive a gift o f three hundred. “My Experience in Chris­ tian Science,” which is another answer to prayer, and for which we thank Him. We have been praying particularly for one large camp here cursed with Christian Sci­ ence, and the way has now been opened up so that we can teach the W ord there. W e have given out this tract (M y Experi­ ence,) there, and it has done an immense amount o f good. The work goes on at Bellridge, Lost Hills, Reward, McKittrick, and other out o f the way places, and we have our little Bible classes here and there. W e have dealt with a great many men and women. Some have found peace with God, while others who could not let go o f self, we have had to leave with Him. One

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