King's Business - 1918-07



she Could, buying books that were sug­ gested as good helps, all with a view to returning to her home and starting Bible classes in the many needy places in and about her home t'own where, she said “they just never hear these truths at all.” Shall we not, follow this one with our prayers ?

Him.” Then the tears came thick and fast, but through them shone a new light. Another link with the East. A young widow with time and means at her com­ mand some months ago dropped into a Bible class, “more hungry than she knew,” as she remarked later. She gave up every­ thing and spent four months taking in all

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David Cant, Supt.

importunity the case was, taken up with bright prospects o f reinstatement. • A few days' later, ■at a very unusual hour, our persistent worker felt constrained to alter his usual route and instead, o f taking him­ self to the Bible Institute lecture room, discovered himself waiting for,—he knew not what—in the Biola Club, when who should walk in but his man! Never before had he been there, but surely the same One who directed Philip to “arise and go toward the South that goeth down from Jerusalem unto Gaza,” still moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform. This man meant business and when a man says “ I will” God answers back “You shall.” In a few min­ utes they were in the little back room down on their knees,, and “when he was yet à great ways off, his , Father saw him and had compassion and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him” and such a changed man rose from his knees, this time to return—not only to God—-but what must ultimately follow, to wife and children. If this is the outcome o f “ four-flushing,” God grant us some more o f the same camouflage, We must tell you o f a good-natured “cop” whom we yan across on’ his beat as we were returning from a noon-day shop meet­ ing. W e were waiting on the crossing for our car and had a splendid heart-to-heart talk, loaded him up with several excellent tracts and just left the W ord to soak in. Several months passed and like so many

HOSE fellows are only a bunch o f four-flushers. They wouldn’t do any­ thing to help you get back that old job again.” , So. spoke a pal to a man who, later on, opened up to one of our boys at the close o f a s"hop meeting where the Spirit o f God wag. working. It was startling, the change that took place in the attitude o f those men that day. They were so engrossed in their game of cards as to completely ignore the hymn books which were offered, and our invita­ tion to j oin its :in ’singing; ,but the game was soon forgotten, and not a man took his' eyes off the speaker, and when, later on, the grip o f the hand was given, this great big fellow, in particular, was all broken up and told his story-su ch ;a dark, ugly story o f sin; fast women, followed by neglect and desertion o f home, wife and seven children. The loss of his position came next and there he was picking up odd jobs “ in the far country” sure, enough, ‘/feeding upon the husks,” - sick, discour­ aged and disgusted, Surely, the way of the transgressor is hard, and the backslider in heart shall be filled with his own ways. We made this man a subject o f deep prayer, and as prayer and works go hand in hand our faithful messenger of that day started out to secure his old job back again, the “ four-flushing” consisting o f four visits to his old boss,, and after waiting,for three hours the fifth trip, he was rewarded with an interview, and largely because o f his.

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