King's Business - 1918-07



two we have reason to believe is a secret believer. • The mother for a long time bitterly opposed any effort made to induce her oldest daughter (a girl o f seventeen or eighteen years) to hearken to the claims o f Christianity. In spite o f the mother’s efforts to prevent it, opportunity was had to make the way o f salvation clear to this girl, and on a recent visit to our home she definitely accepted the Lord Jesus as her Messiah, and with a happy face, is giving testimony to Her faith in Jesus, the King o f the Jews.

antagonism and opposition. The readers o f this magazine are requested to join with us in praying for the success of this new work. Jewish hearts are slow to- yield to the influence o f the Holy Spirit, and when, as so often happens, we have been dealing with some family for a very long time, with no apparent results, our joy is two­ fold when some member o f such a family receives Jesus as Messiah and Lord. Such was the case o f a certain family in which we have been interested a long time. Two younger children attended our Jewish Bible School, and the older o f the


Oscar Zimmermann, Supt.

T AST month we Jiad again many reasons for thankfulness. God answered prayers in numerous ways, one o f which was that He graciously supplied the funds for a stereopticon machine so that now it will be possible to present this part of the Institute work with the aid o f nearly a hundred slides gathered by the worker over a period o f several years. Pray that the story of salvation He will enable us to tell may be richly owned o f Him. I f any o f the readers o f this article live around the San Francisco bay region, . a note addressed to the worker at No. 3335 May- belle Avenue, Oakland, California, will arrange for a Sunday night at your church, and we believe that the message o f God’s grace will not fail to count for Him. It will be a privilege to receive such invita­ tions at any time. Very recently there came to the worker a happy surprise. After entering a number o f cabins in wljich Chinese engine-room men were found, a door opened, after knocking, and a Chinese steward greeted the worker kindly and joyfully received a Gospel which was offered him. He was a Christian and it developed that he was

known all over the ship as the “missionary” , and had endured a great deal of hardship and persecution. The Lord made us a bless­ ing to this man and he was so glad for words o f encouragement and fellowship in the Lord. “The whole family— father, mother, brothers and sisters,” he said, “ are Christians, and today even my old mother travels to all the villages around to read the Bible and lead Chinese men and women to Christ.” His father and mother were the first converts under the China Inland Mission in that province, in the early days. What a contrast between the captain, an American non-Christian, and this sweet soul—only a Chinese steward! Before leaving he wanted to know if a Bible could not be bought for him, as he, being a China­ man, is not allowed to leave the ship at all here. Also, he wanted an accordion. He had been without a Bible during the trip from China to this coast, and wanted to receive inspiration through the reading o f the Bible and the musical instrument, for which he wanted to pay. The Lord, know­ ing the need, had caused the worker to carry with him two copies o f a Chinese Gospel hymn book, and it was a joy to

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