King's Business - 1918-07



coming o f Christ in the New Testament just as the Old Testament said He would come. Dr. Talmage once said, “ Children should learn the first chapter o f Genesis, that they may know how the world was made, the third chapter, that they may know how it fell; the first chapter of John that they may know how it is to be redeemed, and the 21st chapter of Revelation-, that they may know how it i^ to-be reconstructed,” An Irish boy, - under threats, was com­ manded to burn his Bible, and said, “ I thank God that you cannot take away the twenty chapters I know by heart.” Jesus, the heart' of all Scripture. —Two little girls sat on the floor looking at pic­ tures. T h ey 1 had a large pile o f papers b e fo re ' them. One little girl said, “ Oh, here is Jesus !” “Yes,” said the other, “that is a picture o f Jesus.” Then the first said, “ Let’s go through all the papers looking for Jesus.” Jesusr is in all Scripture. Philip pointed out Jesus to the man o f Ethiopia. An Indian convert,' when . dying, was asked how she felt. "Happy! Happy!” she replied, and laying her hand upon her Bible, said, “ I have Christ here,” and press­ ing it to her heart, “ I have Christ here;” then pointing to heaven, <(and Christ there”’ The written Word of God - here throbs with the life of Christ, as the living W ord o f God in heaven is the Way, the Truth, anid the Life. An old fable says, “ Helena went to Pal­ estine in search o f the crosses but did not COMMENTS FROM By K. L, G O into desert, v. 26: God sometimes opens doors o f opportunity for his ser­ vants in most unlikely places.—Henry. v. 27. Arose and went. He had learned the very highest form of wisdom, that of doing just what the Lord bids. you.—Tor- rey. Obedience is the key to every door.— Geo. MacDonald. Obeying the will of God leaves one no time to dispute about His plans.—Sel. Eunuch of great authority. If the Spirit o f God begins His work in a

know which was the Saviour’s cross, so she took a corpse and put it upon each of the crosses, and when she came to the Saviour’s cross it started in life. The best proof rof- the life-giving power o f the Bible is to see life come into those who read, believe and obey it as did this Ethi­ opian. Personal Work. —Here is a Chinese boy doing, the same kind o f work, Philip was doing. A Christian Chinese boy saw one day, in-a heathen temple, an old man wor­ shiping idols. He asked, “ Do the idols see and hear you when you worship?” The old man replied, “ Yes.” “But,” the boy said, “they are made o f clay, how can Ijiey answer your prayer?” After they had talked for - some time, the man asked, “Where did you learn such wonderful things?” Then the boy told him about Jesus and showed him how he could be saved. The old man Sopn learned to love the Saviour. - : The story is told o f an old man who once prayed with a little boy under a tree in a field. Years later,- when this boy had grown to manhood, he visited the spot, and the merffories awakened by the old tree led him to pray- for himself and there he found Christ. - - Decision.— A man, who was seriously con­ sidering the Christian life, as he approached the railway station to take a train, said to himself, “As I enter the train I will either decide to be a Christian or .not.” As he entered the car, he said, “ I will take Christ.” soul, all the. riches and honors o f this world are felt to be empty and unsatisfactory.— Saphir. v. 28. Was returning. In that august and splendid sanctuary, he had found no peace. There he had heard the voice of the law and his conscience testified that the law was good, but that he was sold under sin. All the indistinct, vague fears and terrors rose how before him.:—Saphir. Reading Isaiah—It is wisdom for men o f business


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