King's Business - 1918-07



doth he meditate day and night. Whatso­ ever he doeth shall prosper” (Ps. 1:1-3). Joy. What an embarrassing predicament Philip would have been in had he not known his Bible. God always finds per­ sonal work and avenues o f helpfulness for the one who knows his Bible. Philip went on his way rejoicing (v. 39). O f course he did. A young man who had clothes, cul­

ture, music, talent, money, and popularity, thought at first it might be a cross to be a Christian. The Lord used him to win two friends. He said he thought the world had given him a good time but it couldn’t compare with the joy it gave him to bring souls to Christ. “ Thy W ord was unto me the joy and rejoicing o f my heart.”


By Mabel L. Merrill. God’s Great Letter to the World. Matt. 7 .- 24 - 27 .

A /r EMORY VERSE.-||‘Teach me thy way, O Lord.”||Ps. 27:11. Approach .—How many o f you boys and girls ever had a letter come to' you through the mail with your name on the envelope? Yes, a great many o f you. How did you feel when you got a letter just for you"? Happy! Well, I guess you were, and you just jumped up and down for joy and ran and told all your playmates you had a let­ ter, and you had mother read it over and over until you knew everything that was written in that letter (Let children tell you o f their letters). When people send us a letter they want u§ to read it, and when they ask us to do something for them in that letter, we could not know what they wished us to do if we did not open and read the letter. When we learn to read letters will we ask mother to tell us what is in them? No, we will read them our­ selves. I hold in my hand the most won­ derful letter ever written (hold up Bible). The reason this is the most wonderful let­ ter ever written is because God wrote it, and He wrote this letter to everybody in the world, and has asked us to read it and do what it says- Let us ask God to help us listen this morning, so we will know what He wants us to do. Lesson Story .—Now God knew there would be a great many boys and girls and men and women, who would not. do what He had asked them to do, but would just go on and do their own way. Just see how plain He has made this letter so we can all understand it. This part o f the

letter we are going to hear about today was written by Jesus, God’s Son, and He loyes us so much He wants us all to do His way. Jesus says in this letter when we listen to His words and do what they say, we are like a man who built his house upon a good rock foundation, jfor when the great wind storms blow against this house it will not fall, or when the heavy rain storms and floods come upon it, it will not fall, or be hurt at all, because it is setting on a rock that is so strong it holds the house through all the storms. God’s word is stronger than the storms and is just like a rock and if we will always do what God’s word says we will stand strong just like that house, and nobody can make us do anything that is wrong. You will always play fair in all your games, be kind to each other, be loving and helpful at home, and you will tell other boys and girls how they too can be strong, by doing what Jesus has told us to do in His great letter—the Bible. Now let us see what Jesus says about those who do not listen to His words, and will not do as He has asked them to do. He says they are like a man who built his house upon the sand, and when the storms o f wind and rain, and the floods came upon that house, it fell down, and the man lost all he had. You know how you build little houses on the sand at the beach, and when the water goes up against them, down they go. The sand is weak and can not hold in a storm, and when we do not do the things God has asked us to do in His letter, we are weak just like the sand. When we

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