King's Business - 1918-07



if this prayer began “My Father,” for they tell God only about their private needs. One girl makes it her business to pray for some­ body new every day. She surprised the family circle by praying for the policemen. Did you ever pray for them ? God wants jts to ask Him for everything we desire He has not promised to supply all our wants, but all our needs. For often the things we want is not best. He loves us too much to give us things not good for us. When we pray for temporal things, health, money, clothes, etc., we must always add as Christ did, “ Not what I will, but what thou wilt” (Mark 14:36). When we ask for spiritual blessings for ourselves and others we know we are asking for what God loves to bestow, and therefore, we have our answer (1 John 5:14, 15). Observe that God nowhere promises that we shall see the answer, but that it shall be done. Approach .—You all look so happy this morning, I know you love to come here and hear these lovely true stories from the Bible every Sunday. You are looking at this chain I have in my hands and wonder­ ing what I am going to do with it. You see this chain is good and strong ; you could not possibly break it and even a big strong man could not break, it. In our story today we are to hear about a man with a chain on his hands, and it is one o f the very interesting stories in the Bible, for it shows us the great power there is in prayer. Our memory verse tells us that when we pray, God comes near. Let us say it. Lesson Story .—Now before I tell you the story for this morning I am going to see who can tell me about two men who stayed all night with Jesus (Let the boys and girls tell what they can recall, you aid­ ing their memory). What did we call those l y r EMORY VERSE.—“ The Lord is nigh *■ unto all them that call upon Him.”— Ps. 145:18.

When and where shall we pray? God’s ear is open to us any time and any where. Sin and selfishness (asking that we may be exalted instead o f desiring to add to God’s glory) are the only things that stop God’s ears (Isa. 59:1, 2 ). Girls never leave your room in the morning until you have com­ mitted yourself and all your interests to God. Ask Christ to take possession and live your life for you by living His life in you. Whenever you have a moment alone turn to Christ. I f you aré walking, thank Him that you can walk, for the air you breathe, for the sun and the sky above you. I f you are washing your hands thank Him for water to drink, and to cleanse, and best o f all the water o f life. Let Christ be the home o f your thoughts. Close the hour by having your girls repeat promises o f God to answer prayer and relate instances o f prayer answered. men who followed Jesus? Disciples, that is right. The man in our story today with the chains on fiis. hands was one o f those disciples, the one whose name was Peter. The story today happened a number o f years after our story o f last week. Peter loved Jesus very much and he went all around and told all the people about Jesus, and a great many people heard Peter and believed what he told them about Jesus, and they gave their hearts to Jesus and loved Him too. But there were some o f the people, just like today, who did not like Jésus and they did not want to hear about Him, and they tried to keep Peter from preaching, but you know Peter’s heart was so full o f love to Jesus he just could not keep from telling the wonderful story o f Jesus to everybody he met, and then he knew that was why Jesjis called him to be a disciple, so he would go and tell others. These people who did not want Peter to preach went and told their king, who was a very wicked man, about it and •the king sent his soldiers and took Peter

BEGINNERS AND PRIMARY By Mabel L. Merrill. Praying to God.—A cts 12 : 1 - 12 .

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