King's Business - 1918-07



stage about the honor o f God:—Jamieson. Pure is that love which has in it no foreign admixture o f self-deceit and hypocrisy— Tittman. Before God and the Father. God is so called to imply that if we would be like our Father, it is not by fasting and ceremony, for He does none o f these things, but in being merciful as our Father is mer­ ciful.—Chrysostom. J. Baldwin. God says, “ No good thing will I withhold” (Ps. 84:11). “All things work together for good to those who love Him (Rom. 8:28). Have you ever seen a mother take a dan­ gerous plaything from her child? God sometimes has to take from us the bad, perhaps even the good in order to give us His best. Like the child we may fret at first until we have learned to trust God to know the best. The hard part o f surrender is before we surrender. For the moment we do, God works in us to will and to do His good pleasure and the thing we thought would be irksome we come to love. Observe the obedience o f these first dis-_ ciples. These men might have asked, “ Lord, if we decide to follow Thee Absolutely, what will become o f our business; who will care for our parents; will we preach at home, or will we have to be foreign mis­ sionaries; will we have comforts or priva­ tions ?” They didn’t wait to ask a question, they immediately left all and followed Him. Girls often ask, can I do this if I take Christ with me ? Christ does not ask to go alone with us, but asks us to follow Him, The happiest people you can find will be those who are living instantly obedient to God’s .will the moment He reveals it. Perhaps some girl lives so quietly and inconspicuously, perhaps her life is monot­ onous and full o f drudgery with little chance for service. She is Christian but she wonders if she really loves Christ as she ought. John 14:22-24 answers her. For if she is living obediently to Christ she is loving Christ. Christ is satisfied and declares that He is making His abode with

tell you solemnly, jrou never will be saved without them.—Cuyler. James does not mean that these offices are the great sum total o f religion, but whereas the law ser­ vice was largely ceremonial, the service o f the Gospel consists in acts o f mercy and holiness.—Trench. Religion in its rise inter­ ests us about ourselves; in its progress about our fellow-creatures; in its highest By Mrs. H. H AVE you realized how largely our life is made up o f obedience and adjust­ ment to laws and people? If I want to be well I obey the laws o f health in food, sleep, work, and exercise. I f I want my room lighted by electricity I obey electricity laws. I f the farmer wants good wheat and pota­ toes, he obeys the demands o f wheat and potatoes. When you enroll in college you submit to its curriculum. In accepting a position in a store you agree to adjust your­ self to its management. Observe that obedience to all righteous law brings success and joy. Disobedience brings disaster. The law abiding citizen is not troubled by policemen, jails and peni- tentaries. What happens to the disobedi­ ent soldier ? When God asks obedience and allegiance many are afraid to trust Him. Someone has said “ Perfect obedience brings perfect happiness when we obey a perfect sovereign.” God is that sovereign. He loves us with an everlasting love and His wisdom to the end can see. Since.God spared not His own Son, but loved us enough to let Christ die in our stead. (Does it not seem that He loved us more than He loved Christ?) Will He not also with Him freely give us all things? Some one may ask if I yield to Jesus will I not have to do things I don’t want to do and will He not send me trial and hard­ ship. You can imagine a child throwing her arms around her mothers neck and saying, “ Mother, I love you and want to please you in everything,” and the mother replying, “ Now I will heap hardship upon my child for she is now in my control.”


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