King's Business - 1918-07



sisted o f the apostles and prophets, not the Old Testament prophets, but the New Testament prophets (cf. ch. 3 :5 ; 4:11), i. e., the apostles and prophets were the first .’stones laid, but “ Christ Jesus Himself” was “ the chief corner stone” (cf. 1 Peter 2:6; Isa. 28:16), i. e., the great stone at the cor­ ner in which the sides came together, in which they were imbedded and on which they rested. Indeed, the Lord Jesus in the ultimate analysis is Himself the founda­ tion (1 Cor. 3:11). In Christ’ “all the building” (or each several building, if we take this rendering o f the Revised Version : the thought is o f a multiplicity o f struc­ tures, porches, courts, towers in the build­ ing) is “fitly framed together” (cf. ch. 4:16), i. e., Jesus Christ holds the building together, gives it integrity, unity, cohe­ sion. Thus being more and more fitly joined together in Christ, the building groweth (by the addition o f new members and the perfecting o f those already mem­ bers) into a holy temple (rather, “sanctu­ ary;” not merely the whole temple area; but the temple house, the place where God was peculiarly manifested) in the Lord.” The temple is not yet perfect, the building is growing into the temple. In a sense the body o f believers is already the temple of God (1 Cor. 3:16), and even the individual believer’s body is a temple o f the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:19), but this temple is as yet a very imperfect thing, but it is grow­ ing into a perfect sanctuary, and when per­ fected this sanctuary shall reflect fully the . glory of Him who dwells therein. All this growth is “ in the Lord” Jesus, in vital union with Him. Sunday, July 7 . Eph. 2 : 22 . “In whom (i. e., in Christ),” Paul con­ tinues, “ye also are builded together for (more literally, into) a habitation o f God in the Spirit.” The word translated “habi­ tation” is a very strong word, meaning per­ manent dwelling place. The church into which the Ephesians were being built will be the eternal dwelling place o f God. The building o f this eternal abode o f God is all done “ in the Spirit,” i. e., by the Holy

not the ultimate one to whom we go, “the Father” (i. e., His Father and ours—John 20:17) is the ultimate one to whom we go (c f. Heb. 7:25). Our approach to the Father, while through Christ, on the ground o f the atoning blood, is “in the Spirit,” i. e., in the Spirit’s power and under the Spirit’s guidance (cf. Jude 20, R. V .; Eph. 6:18; Phil. 3:3, R. V .). Note well in this verse our relations to and dependence upon each one o f the three persons o f the Trinity: our access, or introduction, is to the Father; it is through the Son; it is in the Holy Spirit. The “ one Spirit” in whom we approach God leads necessarily to the “one­ ness” o f believers (cf. v. 16; ch. 4:3). This eighteenth verse rules out all the priestly claims o f those who would stand between the individual believer and frod. Each indi­ vidual believer has access for himself through Christ, in the Holy Spirit, unto the Father. Hallelujah! Saturday, July 6 . Eph. 2 : 19 - 21 . Paul now comes to the conclusion o f the whole matter, what the Gentile believers are now become as contrasted with what they aforetime were. “ So then,” contin­ ues Paul, “ye are no more (better, no longer) strangers (as they had been hith­ erto—cf. v. 12), iand sojourners.”. The word translated “ sojourners” means unnatural­ ized foreigners liable to removal at any moment. ~Gentile .Christians were not merely tolerated sojourners, they were full citizens, with every right o f citizenship, heirs to everything (cf. Gal. 3:29). “ But,” Paul continues, “ye are “fellow-citizens (Phil. 3 :20, R. V .) with the saints (the saints o f God, i. e., all men set apart from the world to be members o f the body of Christ, all true believers in Christ), and o f the household o f God” (i. e., members o f the family—cf. Rom. 8:16, 17; Gal. 4:6). “ In Christ” the Gentile believer, once afar off, is at least at home in God’s family. Now Paul turns to another figure, and a wonderful one (v. 20). The Ephesian believers had been built into a house, a tem­ ple (cf. 1 Peter 2 :4, 5, R. V .; 1 Cor. 3 :9, 10). The foundation o f the temple con-

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