King's Business - 1918-07



startling thought. The Jews had been for centuries the peculiar objects o f God’s man­ ifested care. God’s care o f the Jews was for the sake o f all mankind, but that fact had not been clearly or fully revealed. It had been hinted at, but nothing more, and now for Paul to tell them that the Gentiles were full fellow heirs o f the covenants and together with the Jews, and fellow members promises and theocratic hopes and privileges o f the body o f Christ (the Church), and fellow partakers o f the promises (o f resur­ rection and a kingdom), this was indeed revolutionary, far more revolutionary than it would be to tell an old time Southerner similar things about a negro. But all this was “ in Christ.” If it had not been for the work o f Jesus Christ in breaking down “the middle wall o f partition” (ch. 2:14- 18), it would not have, been possible for Gentiles to become “ fellow heirs,” “ fellow members o f the body,” and “ fellow par­ takers o f the promise.” If it had not been for the breaking down o f this middle wall o f partition by the shedding o f Christ’s blood upon Calvary, instead o f being fel­ low heirs, etc., the Gentiles would have been as described in ch. 2 : 11 , ; 12 , and today it is only as the Gentile is “in Christ,” through his own personal acceptance o f Jesus Christ, that it is true o f him even now. It is also “through the gospel” that Gentiles are “ fel­ low heirs,” etc. That is to say, the gospel is the instrument which God uses in making them “ fellow heirs” (cf. 1 Cor. 4:15; Rom. 10:8-15). Friday, July 12 . Eph. 3 : 7 , 8 . Paul speaks o f himself as being “made a minister (minister means servant) o f the gospel.” The word used for “minister” implies subordination and activity in service (cf. Col. 1:23). Paul regarded it as a favor, o f which he was utterly unworthy, to be made a minister of the gospel, and so may any man well regard it. It was, as Paul here puts it( “according to the gift (more exactly, free gift) o f that grace of God which was given him (me) according to the working o f His (i. e., God’s) power” that Paul was made a minister. By the use

standing in the mystery (revealed secret) of Christ.” Any one who candidly and thought­ fully reads this whole epistle will receive an undoubtedly God-given wisdom in it. The best proof that the Bible is God’s book is found in the thorough study o f it. “ In other generations” this mystery has not been made known unto the sons o f men (to neither Jews nor Greeks nor any man). It had been hinted at (Acts 13:47; Rom. 15:8-12), but the full revelation o f it was reserved for Paul. Paul’s doctrine regard­ ing the position and .privileges of the Gen­ tile in Christ, and regarding the Church, is an entirely new truth, given to him by special revelation from God. That it had been dimly foreshadowed before, Paul him­ self suggests in the words, "as it hath now been revealed.” This revelation, while it had been first made to Paul, had also been made unfo (other) apostles and prophets (i. e., New Testament prophets). These apostles and prophets are called “holy” as being peculiarly set apart for God, and they are also called “ His,” as belonging to God. ' The revelation made to them had been “in the Spirit.” That is to say, they had been “in the Spirit” (cf. Rev. 1:10), surrounded by His presence and under His control when the revelation had been made. The Holy Ghost possessed them, that He might inform us through them o f this great truth. All true revelations are made “ in the Spirit.” There are many who claim revelations in this day, as there have been in all days, but whose revelation is not in the Spirit.” It may be in some spirit, but it is not the Holy Spirit. Thursday, July n . Eph. 3 : 6 . Paul now tells what the secret is which in other ages was not made known. It is that the Gentiles are “ fellow heirs with the Jews” (cf. Rom. 8:17; Gal. 3:29; 4:7), “ fellow members o f the body,” and “ fel­ low partakers of the promise” (cf. ch. 2:12). Now this does not appear at all wonderful to us, because we have been familiar with this great truth from the time we began to think upon such subjects, but in Paulas day it was an altogether new and

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