Kolling Institute Special Research Feature

Kolling Institute researchers achieved a significant impact in 2023, extending their research activity and reach. Substantial progress was made with our discovery science through to our translational work, directly broadening our understanding of health conditions and diseases, and providing crucial data for improved models of care. The key research outputs point to an escalation of activity and a strengthening of the institute’s influence on a local, national and international scale. In collaboration with national and international partners, Kolling researchers were successful in obtaining more than $43 million in grant funding for projects over the next five years. A year at a glance 2023

Recognition Awards 106

Research Projects 142

Publications 537

Clinical Research 107

Higher Degree Candidates 106

Discovery Science 35

International 6

Grant Awards 84

Presentations 185

National 78

National 63

International 122

International Collaborations In 2023, Kolling Institute researchers partnered with researchers across 90 countries, up from 67 countries in 2022 (excluding Australia).



North America


South America


This map is based on SciVal geographical collaboration data. It reflects the total number of publications produced by Kolling Institute researchers with international co-authorship. The location of the bubble indicates the country of the co-author, while the size of the bubble corresponds to the number of publications. Data for the 2023 Year In Review was obtained from researchers and publicly available resources. 12

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