Kolling Institute Special Research Feature

Key events Showcasing our life-changing research

New research on issues ranging from knee arthritis to neck pain guidelines to the development of a biomechanical robotic arm were among the innovative projects showcased at the first Kolling Symposium in November.

“It’s during big events like this where we promote the ground-breaking work being undertaken at the Kolling, and where we have the chance to meet with and learn from like-minded investigators from other teams,” he said. There was also a strong focus on the consumer role in research, with presentations from consumer representatives who discussed their personal perspectives and health experiences. “They provided crucial feedback on how to further involve consumers in our research community and future strategic initiatives,” he said.

The one-day symposium, which attracted close to 100 attendees, focused on the key themes of collaboration, innovation and wellbeing across three domains: pre-clinical, translational, and impact. A diverse group of early to mid-career clinician and basic science researchers from the Kolling gave presentations about their work covering a broad range of health issues. Academic Director Professor James Elliott said the presentations highlighted the significant multidisciplinary achievements being delivered across the institute.

Kolling Symposium researcher presentations included:

Binu Katari, Dr John Mach, Dr Jessica Cao, Dr Mounir Boudali, Associate Prof Sarah Glastras and Professor James Elliott

» Dr Katharine Kott – Detecting coronary artery disease in the absence of traditional risk factors » Dr Barbara Lucas – Ultra-early trial of parent- administered physiotherapy in the neonatal intensive unit for infants at high risk of cerebral palsy or motor delay » Dr Jocelyn Bowden – Optimising knee arthritis management in primary care » Dr Ana Paula Carvalho-E-Silva and Dr Chris Papic – An overview of new Australian whiplash guidelines » Dr Ali Gholamrezaei – A mobile health intervention to improve self-efficacy in opioid tapering in people living with chronic pain

» Dr Natassia Rodrigo – The intersection of metabolic dysfunction and maternal obesity on pregnancy outcomes » Dr John Mach – Medicine safety and functional wellbeing for older people: understanding mechanisms and identifying biomarkers for healthy ageing » Dr Mounir Boudali – The Kolling Orthopaedic Biomechanics Robotic Arm (KOBRA)– biomechanical testing 2.0 » Dr Jessica Cao – A novel protein that attenuates kidney fibrosis through blocking leukocyte infiltration.


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