Kolling Institute Special Research Feature


At the event, the successful recipients of the 2023 Kolling Awards were announced. Eight researchers received awards across five categories. “Each of these award winners is driving substantial improvements in their individual areas of expertise, and I’m pleased that we’re able to direct the spotlight onto their significant achievements through the Kolling awards program,” Professor Elliott said. The symposium ended with a provocative panel discussion about the translation of innovative research into clinical practice and how to measure impact – not only through the lens of a healthcare provider, but from the perspective of the person receiving – if not helping to design – the research and pathway to translation. 2023 Kolling Award recipients » Clinical research : Dr Vicki Duong and Dr Sumit Sahni » Discovery research : Professor Jose Antonio Lopez-Escamez » PhD completion : Dr Natassia Rodrigo » PhD supervision : Associate Professor Claire Ashton-James and Dr Ryan Davis » Professional staff : Shihani Stoner and Quoc Nguyen

A gesture of thanks for Noel Raey who has volunteered at the Kolling for a decade

It’s during big events like this where we promote the ground-breaking work being undertaken at the Kolling, and where we have the chance to meet with and learn from like-minded investigators from other teams.


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