Kolling Institute Special Research Feature


All systems go: research supporting future space missions

Professors James Elliott, Gordon Cable, Jule Hides and Dr John Cherry

From clinical advances to improve the healthcare of astronauts to technological research, a special colloquium co-ordinated by the Kolling Institute and Australian Society of Aerospace Medicine showcased expertise across Australia’s space medicine community.

Professor Elliott has contributed his expertise in musculoskeletal health to the Johnson Space Centre in Houston, Texas to help reduce injury and improve the health and performance of astronauts. He said physical changes to the spine during spaceflight predisposed astronauts to symptomatic spine pain and nearly half of cases presenting to NASA’s musculoskeletal care team involve spine pain. He said the learnings were two way: the Australian space medicine community was keen to see medical progress as a result of upcoming space explorations. “It’s anticipated that some of the lessons learned in space will deliver benefits back on earth and help to drive improvements in terrestrial-based health outcomes. “For instance, the new knowledge around the deconditioning of astronauts in space could help doctors back home managing patients with deconditioning after long periods in hospital, where mobility is limited with rapid reductions in strength are realised.” Dr John Cherry, a director from the Australasian Society of Aerospace Medicine, said Australia is in a strong position to support long duration human spaceflight missions. “We are world leaders in rural and remote healthcare, with experience delivering care in some of the most extreme and isolated environments on earth,” he said. “The Australian Antarctic Program for example has developed specialised training and technology to enable a generalist doctor to provide high quality medical, surgical, anaesthetic and dental care to an isolated team.

The two-day event involved national and international experts including representatives from the Australian Space Agency, the CSIRO, Boeing and the Australian Antarctic Program. Kolling Academic Director Professor James Elliott said the colloquium showcased some of the extensive research expertise supporting Australia’s contemporary space industry. “We have a tremendous depth of medical, technological and research expertise in this field,” he said. “Australian clinicians and researchers have been collaborating with international space agencies for years. Our clinical and research experiences have helped inform developments in space life sciences as our international partners recognise our unique scientific expertise. “Some research has specifically focused on clinical advances to improve the healthcare support to astronauts. Our technological sector is also well placed to offer specialised support, with a consistent track record of driving innovation. “Australian experience has driven advances in radiation protection, wearable sensors and compression suits worn by astronauts to limit the musculoskeletal effects of microgravity.” Presenters at the colloquium discussed the specific medical, dental and psychological needs of astronauts as well as Australian designed space suits and opportunities for the space medicine community to contribute to NASA’s Artemis exploration of the moon, and ultimately, Mars.


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