Kolling Institute Special Research Feature

Combined digital interventions improve recovery following knee replacement surgery

“For many people there is little post-operative care once a patient leaves rehabilitation, but our research indicates that delivering follow-up care with a combined digital package may give patients the support and encouragement they need to get back on their feet with confidence. “This approach could be particularly important for rural and remote communities as the program has the potential to extend access to care and improve equity. “We would also like to see future studies consider patient preferences and abilities. “Some participants, especially those who were older were hesitant to use unfamiliar devices. Overall however, the approach was well-accepted.” The study was published in the prestigious JAMA Network Open journal.

For the thousands of people who undergo a total knee replacement each year, a new technological approach could hold the key to a better recovery following surgery. Researchers from the Kolling Institute conducted a randomized clinical trial** investigating whether a digital technology package delivered remotely was effective in reducing pain and improving mobility after a knee replacement. Dr Vicky Duong, from the Osteoarthritis Research Team, said total knee replacement surgery was an increasingly common surgery for advanced, end-stage osteoarthritis. “We know however, that one in 10 people report dissatisfaction two years after surgery,” she said. In response to this trend, the team launched a clinical trial involving more than 100 people, where they measured the impact of a combined digital program involving fortnightly health-coaching sessions, a Fitbit activity tracker and an exercise mobile app. Dr Duong said the approach was found to aid recovery, and patients had improved pain and greater mobility three months after surgery compared to those who only received usual care. “Encouragingly, this positive trend was mirrored at six and 12 months,” she said. “We also found improvements in function, activity participation and quality of life as a result of the digital program. “Participants indicated that the online health coaching sessions particularly helped them maintain a consistent rehabilitation program. ** Duong V, Robbins SR, Dennis S, Venkatesha V, Ferreira ML, Hunter DJ. Combined Digital Interventions for Pain Reduction in Patients Undergoing Knee Replacement: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Netw Open. 2023 Sep 5;6(9):e2333172. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.33172

Dr Vicky Duong


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