Kolling Institute Special Research Feature


Research to personalise treatment options for joint and tendon injuries

At the Kolling, there is a large number of emerging leaders across our musculoskeletal research priority area, and one researcher whose work is gaining increasing attention is Dr Carina Blaker from the Murray Maxwell Biomechanics Laboratory. Dr Blaker received two Royal North Shore Hospital Scientific Staff Council awards highlighting her commitment to research excellence. Carina received the outstanding early to mid-career researcher award in the discovery science category. She was also named the joint winner, with Dylan Ashton, of the best publication award for their paper which identified new tendon grafts for knee injuries. Chair of the Scientific Staff Council Dr Sumit Sahni said he was pleased to be able to present the awards. “Many of our researchers, like Carina, are quietly making crucial progress with their research, and it’s wonderful to be able to recognise their remarkable efforts extending our understanding of particular conditions and lifting the standard of care we all receive.” “The quality of nominations we received was particularly high, making the decisions difficult. “Carina has consistently demonstrated her commitment to high quality research and improvements in patient care for people with joint

Dr Carina Blaker

and tendon injuries and disease, so we were pleased to acknowledge her impressive track record.” Carina welcomed the opportunity to highlight the translational research within the Murray Maxwell Biomechanics Lab. “I was really honoured to receive the award recognising our research and I’m very grateful to the Scientific Staff Council for their ongoing support,” she said. “Our research is aimed at broadening our understanding of different tissues so that we can personalise treatment options. “We are increasingly seeing that a tailored approach will deliver a better individual fit and a better outcome for patients. “I hope this award helps to draw attention to the steady progress we’re making in this field. “We’re seeing an increasing number of knee injuries in Australia, with many the result of a sporting injury, so it’s important that clinicians are able to offer the very latest evidenced-based treatments for each patient.” The lab studies how injuries affect the mechanical function of joints, how changes in mechanical function drive disease, and how these injuries can be prevented.


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