Kolling Institute Special Research Feature

The Impact of Community Support

Sam Heffernan and Dr Kenji Fujita

Four researchers have had the opportunity to travel nationally and internationally to broaden their research skills and establish new partnerships, thanks to generous funding from the Skipper Jacobs Charitable Trust. Close to $40,000 in travel grants was shared among the early-to-mid career researchers, with interests ranging from biomechanics to frailty and molecular mechanisms of cancers.

Academic Director Professor James Elliott thanked the Skipper family for their financial backing of the Trust, as well as the NORTH Foundation for their support of the travel program. “It has been instrumental in helping individual researchers, raising the international profile of the Kolling Institute and contributing to crucial research progress.”


Dr Kenji Fujita: travelled to Denmark, Norway and Japan Kenji, an early-career pharmacist who is working in the Ageing and Pharmacology Research Group, has helped develop techniques to calculate the frailty index in older hospitalised patients, while also leading research into the quality of pharmaceutical care. During his trip, he led a three-day workshop in Denmark, visited collaborators in Norway and delivered a presentation in Japan, a country with the highest proportion of older adults in the world.

It was a great opportunity to build international collaborations and promote our translational research at the Kolling. I really appreciate this travel grant.”


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