The Power of Giving

Financial Fitness Workouts

It seems every day we’re being bombarded with ways to stay fit. There is always a new fitness program or a new type of fitness equipment that’s supposed to give us the best bodies we can have. But with those who are dealing with a chronic illness, fitness takes on a different meaning. Not only do we need to feel our best physically, but we also must be prepared in every aspect of our lives with our sight always set on our best possible treatment and our continuum of care. I thought this would be a great time to review four of the most impactful areas you can review, reallocate, and make the changes that are most appropriate for your specific circumstance. A good way to look at it is in the fall we make sure we perform maintenance checkups on our furnaces. We prepare our gardens and lawns for the upcoming spring, we check the exterior of homes for energy efficiency, and we do checkups on our cars to prepare them for the winter season. Unfortunately, few of us take the time to review the foundations of our financial lives that, in fact, dictate our ability to remain on treatment plans and to meet all of our financial obligations. It is my hope that everyone takes the opportunity to review at least these four areas that I’m covering in this article before the end of the year. Medicare First, the big one for a lot of us is Medicare. As you know, the Medicare season is almost upon us. And there are changes as there are every year.


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