PEN-Powered Activity Guide
Reagan LaBor Giving to me is a decision to support a cause with the goal to improve outcomes. Supporting through the act of giving allows initiatives to move forward toward success. I am able to give through making relationships and working with others to reach fundamental goals.
Partnerships and Programs Coordinator
Robin Barnes An opportunity to connect to something larger than myself, and to help bring about positive change. I give via monthly donations to charities, through volunteering my time, and by introducing others to causes which may resonate with them. Development Director For different situations, giving can be at a different level. With family members and loved ones, giving means everything with love, time, talent, and treasure. With cancer friends, giving mostly means time and talent. With cancer organizations, giving means time, talent, and treasure. Overall, I constantly give, but I also constantly receive, consciously and unconsciously, the love, passion, and support from
others. Christine Qiong Wu Lung Cancer Empowerment Lead
Giving means sharing myself, sharing my experiences and my knowledge, and helping others with my time and my money. I give with my smiles, my hugs, sending get-well cards or birthday cards, texting or phoning friends to keep in touch or just say hello. I give of my knowledge and my experience. I learned some sign language, so I can SIGN songs and benedictions at church or Vacation Bible School for the children. I give with my time. I play handbells at church and sing in the church choir. I advocate for cancer patients at PEN. I am a member of the LIFE Leadership group. I give my time to bless others in learning financial fitness and how to reduce their debt and save money. I give of my money. I donate to church, to many charities and cancer groups, to school PTA groups for friends' children, I buy Girl Scout cookies, school moneymaking offers like candy or nuts, and any
other worthwhile groups. Volleen White CLL Empowerment Lead
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