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For employees hired on or after July 1, 2014, the District’s contribution toward a group medical insurance premium for early retirees who retire from District service between the ages of 55 and 65 with at least fifteen (15) years of continuous service, or at least twenty (20) years total service or at least five (5) years of continuous service to the District and a total of twenty (20) or more years of service credit to a public school district (as verified by CalSTRS/CalPERS, or another state’s verifiable teacher retirement plan/school employee retirement plan) shall remain current with that of a bargaining unit member (pro-rated by FTE at the time of retirement). The retiree’s contribution toward the benefit premium will remain the same as, or less than, the employee contribution during the member’s last year of service to the District (pro-rated by FTE at the time of retirement) for the group medical insurance program in which the unit member is enrolled at the time of
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retirement for the retiree and dependent spouse.
Should a retired employee hired on or after July 1, 2014, leave the service area of District plans, the retiree shall be reimbursed a dollar amount equivalent to the medical insurance premium (pro-rated by FTE at the time of retirement) less the employee contribution paid during the retirees last year of service for the group health insurance plan in which the retiree is enrolled at the time of retirement. The annual reimbursement shall be limited to the annual premium paid for a District plan, or the annual out of area plan premium, whichever is less. The retiree must
provide proof of enrollment in an out of area health plan.
For retirees who work less than 1.0 FTE during their last year of
service to the District, the retired member must pay the difference between the District's contribution and the actual current premium to the District
monthly in advance of the month due.
Article VI – Page 3
Revised 08/15/2024
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