CSEA Collective Bargaining Agreement

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For employees hired on or after July 1, 2014, the District’s contribution toward a group dental insurance premium for members who retire from District service between the ages of 55 and 65 with 15 years of continuous service, 20 years total service, or 5 years of continuous service to the District and a total of twenty (20) or more years of service to a public school district (as verified by CalSTRS/CalPERS, or another state’s teacher retirement plan/school employee retirement plan) shall remain current with that of a bargaining unit member (pro-rated by FTE at the time of retirement) and the retiree’s contribution toward the benefit premium will remain the same as, or less than, the employee contribution during the member’s last year of service to the District (pro-rated by FTE at the time of retirement) for the group dental insurance program in which the unit member is enrolled at the time of

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retirement for the retiree and dependent spouse.

If a dependent spouse turns 65 or is eligible for Medicare before the member turns 65 or is eligible for Medicare, the dependent spouse shall no longer be eligible for

the District provided group dental insurance program.

6.2.2 Shared Decision Making/Benefits Committee - The specific coverage

and carrier shall be determined by the Shared Decision Making/Benefits

Committee. The Shared Decision Making/Benefits Committee shall consist of six members of whom two will be elected by Claremont Faculty Association; two elected by California School Employees Association, Claremont Chapter #200;

one appointed, or elected, by Claremont Management Association; and one

appointed by the District. The Assistant Superintendent of Business Services shall chair the Committee and will only vote in case of a tie. The secretary of the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services shall act as secretary to the


Article VI – Page 5

Revised 08/15/2024

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