8.18.9 The recommendations of the Committee shall be final, and are not subject to grievance or any further review. However, if the granting of leave proves to be fraudulent, the Committee may revoke the credits at any time and require re-payment to the District of any used credits previously granted and the District shall be authorized to deduct such repayments from the member’s subsequent paychecks until the repayment is
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8.18.10 Should the District negotiate the effects of a lay-off during the time a member is receiving Catastrophic Leave, the status of the member for purposes of seniority and
status for lay-off will be same as though the member were working.
8.18.11 Participation in the Catastrophic Leave Bank is voluntary. All permanent
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bargaining unit members are eligible to contribute to the bank.
Article VIII – 26
Revised 08/15/24
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