New app he l ps pat ients d iagnose the i r pa i n USES A 3-D MODEL

A new app that enables patients to explain their pain to a physici n by drawing it on a 3-D model is one of the newest tools to diagnose acute or chronic pain. Developed by a University of Michigan-based startup named Moxytech, the GeoPain app makes it possible for users to highlight which areas of the body hurt, and indicate the severity of their pain. The app became available to consumers in September, and is now being used in by physicians across the state of Michigan. Moxytech Co-Founder Alexandre DaSilva, director of the University’s Headache and Orofacial Pain Effort, said the app takes some of the subjectivity out of the process of diagnosing pain. DaSilva developed the original concept while at Harvard Medical School, and various institutions have been using it in research and education for the past six years. “I’m a clinician, and when I was doing my doctorate I was looking at the brain of patients with pain, and with the technology they have, they were much more precise,” DaSilva, told the Michigan Daily. researchers-release-app-pinpoint-patient-pain “But in the clinic, it was always subjective. Even though I could look at very high- tech things in the research side, in the clinical side, to correlate things, it was much harder, because I had to ask my patients, ‘zero to ten, what’s your pain,’ which was very subjective.”


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