More research needed Before UKH-1114 can enter the market, more studies are needed to demonstrate safety, efficacy and oral bio-availability. The scientists are working to understand, on a fundamental level, how activating the sigma 2 receptor relieves neuropathic pain. The process of establishing the necessary proof could take up to five to 10 years, Sahn noted. “We started out just working on fundamental chemistry in the lab,” said Sahn, a research scientist in the Department of Chemistry. “But now we see the possibility that our discoveries could improve the quality of people’s lives. That is very satisfying.” Sahn says that once the scientists can "demonstrate this class of compounds has significant promise for treating pain by a new mechanism of action, we think that others, including pharmaceutical companies, will get involved and will facilitate the process in getting this from bench to bedside." Martin says the new drug also shows the potential to be used in treating other conditions which affect brain function, such as Alzheimer's, traumatic brain injury, and alcohol abuse disorders.


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