Strategy and Planning
5. Have lead responsibility for managing the Estates Agreement of the Joint Working Agreement with the Royal Marsden Hospital. Ensure compliance with the space- sharing and cross-charging arrangements to manage and operate the buildings and land owned by each party. 6. Oversee the management of relationships with external providers of operational services including structural engineers, building surveyors and legal advisors to ensure effectiveness, value and quality of services.
1. Lead the development and implementation of strategies, operating plans and budgets for each of the functional areas that reflect the ICR’s strategic plan including Estate Management and Property Services, Facilities Services, HSEQ, Biological Services Unit and Business Continuity.
2. Working with fellow Directors, contribute to the development and delivery of corporate and directorate strategies.
3. Lead the delivery of large-scale strategic projects in terms of building and refurbishments, working closely with research to ensure the greatest value and efficiency is gained from space across The ICR estate. 4. Provide professional estate management and property services advice to the ICR in relation to the development of the London Cancer Hub so that maximum benefit is achieved for the organisation and investment risks are minimised and mitigated. Work with the COO and director colleagues to ensure that effective partnerships are developed and sustained with stakeholders to realise the ambition of the programme to create a world leading life sciences campus.
7. Managing all areas of responsibility, ensuring compliance with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements and industry best practice.
All staff must ensure that they familiarise themselves with and adhere to any ICR policies that are relevant to their work and that all personal and sensitive personal data is treated with the utmost confidentiality and in line with the General Data Protection Regulations.
To work in accordance with the ICR’s Values.
Operational Duties
As a senior member of the Corporate Leadership Team collectively be responsible for the delivery of ICR’s operational strategy, and providing leadership across the Corporate support functions to motivate and drive progress.
1. Lead the delivery of directorate and operational business plans to ensure services are delivered to time, budget and build quality performance, implementing the processes of continuous improvement. 2. Ensure effective systems are in place for monitoring performance against plans and budgets, ensuring remedial action is taken where necessary and the Chief Operating Officer informed of any significant changes. 3. Manage the estates, facilities management, health, safety, environment and quality and biological services unit budgets to ensure they are in balance at the end of the financial year and prepare budgets for future years. 4. Manage and support the development of new concepts, technologies, services, processes or products to address future requirements, ensuring effectiveness and efficiency and value for money remain of key importance.
To promote a safe, healthy and fair environment for people to work, where bullying and harassment will not be tolerated.
To take personal responsibility for promoting an inclusive working environment where diversity is valued and there is zero tolerance of any aspect of racism.
Comply with the ICR’s Standing Financial Instructions and through the Annual Statement of Risk Management and Internal Control provide adequate assurance on good governance, internal controls, the management of risk and achieving value for money across all areas of responsibility.
Any other duties that are consistent with the nature and grade of the post that may be required.
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