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“Their unwavering dedication to duty has made your community a safer place to live,” TUBUFEUIF'JSF.BSTIBMMT0GàDFi5IFZBSF true heroes and we are privileged to have them as part of your community.” Receiving honours during the evening were: 20-year-veterans Patrick Bernier, Ri- chard Sincennes, BenoÎt Larocque, Stéphane 1ÊQJO .BSD#SVOFU (SFH-ZEJBUF BOE,FWJO #FSOJRVFZFBSWFUFSBOT.BSL)FOEFSTPO  Jeffrey Carkner, Eric Jaring, James Cowan, -PVJT5VSDPUUF OPXSFUJSFE BOE.JDIFM.BS - tin; 40-year veteran Ernest Roebuck, former

DBQUBJOGPSUIF7BOLMFFL)JMMàSFTUBUJPO OPX retired after 42 years service. They each received their federal and provincial honours, along with a certificate from the Governor General, letters of DPOHSBUVMBUJPOTGSPN.1'SBODJT%SPVJO  .BZPS3JPQFM BOEBMFUUFSPGUIBOLTGPS service to the community. Their spouses received flower bouquets in recognition of their emotional and psychological support to their partners who sometimes have to deal with dangerous situations for the protection of the community.

More than a dozen of Champlain Township’s veteran firefighters received special honours for their dedication and service over the years. Township council held a special session September 14 for ceremony to celebrate the presentation of exemplary service awards from the federal government and provincial awards for long service to 14 members, both active and retired, of Champlain Township’s

Fire Chief Ghislain Pigeon made special note of the “courage and dedication” of the firefighters honoured that evening and the sacrifices they and their families make for the community. 5IF0OUBSJP'JSF.BSTIBMMT0GàDFBMTP provided council with a statement that was read out as part of the ceremony, highlighting the courage and dedication of the 14 fire- fighters honoured.

20-year-service District Chief (L’Orignal station) Richard Sincennes, and his spouse, Hollie (centre). —photo Gregg Chamberlain

Le chef de district adjoint au poste de L’Orignal Patrick Bergin, avec 20 ans de service, et son épouse Chantal (au centre). —photo Gregg Chamberlain

Le capitaine de la station de L’Orignal Benoît Larocque (au centre), en service depuis 20 ans. —photo Gregg Chamberlain

20-year-service Captain (L’Orignal station) Stéphane Pépin (centre). —photo Gregg Chamberlain

Vingt ans de service pour le pompier de la station de Vankleek Hill Marc Brunet, avec son épouse Cynthia (au centre). —photo Gregg Chamberlain

20-year-service Firefighter (Vankleek Hill station) Greg Lydiate.

—photo Gregg Chamberlain

Vingt ans de service pour l’agent de sécurité incendie de la station de Vankleek Hill) Kevin Berniqué, et son épouse Christine Sinotte (au centre). —photo Gregg Chamberlain

30-year-service Captain (Vankleek Hill station) Mark Henderson, and his spouse, Lisa (centre). —photo Gregg Chamberlain

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