Lower Back Pain And Physical Therapy
Physical therapy is a great resource for lower back pain because it addresses the cause of the pain, rather than simply attempting to hide the symptoms. Working with a physical therapist can help you to experience improved range of motion, to restore strength to muscles in your lower back that may have experienced atrophy through lack of use, and also reduce tension in your lower back muscles through targeted massage. When working with a physical therapist, you may also be guided through different lifestyle changes that you can make that can help you begin to overcome your back pain with everyday activities. This can include: • Making changes to the type of shoes that you wear so that your back is getting more support with every step. Sometimes, using special insoles can significantly improve your back pain.
Lower back pain is a pain in the butt, but you don’t need to deal with it any longer. Reach out to your physical therapist for information and support overcoming lower back pain, and finally find long-term relief.
• Adjusting your sleeping habits, or perhaps investing in a new mattress so that your back has more support at night.
• Using more lumbar support at work or on your commute by using a special chair or chair cover.
Source: www.acatoday.org/Patients/Health-Wellness-Information/Back-Pain-Facts-and-Statistics
Occupational Therapy Updates
Occupational therapy is Fun! Carissa Roca, OTR/L and her patient are playing connect 4 at her patients dining room table to work on her fine motor skills. Picking up the small game pieces works on her fine motor control, and reaching to put these pieces into their slots at the top of the game works upper extremity strength and range of motion. Getting the piece into the slot also works on improving visual/perceptual-motor skills.
We are so excited to announce we now have this amazing service in our Great Neck clinic
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