Growing Gardeners Living Classroom's mission is to make education come alive and to empower the next generation by growing environmental champions, inquisitive learners, and healthy eaters who know where their food comes from. Young gardeners will use their creativity on garden-based crafts and hands-on projects, all while growing their appreciation for the natural world around them. Instructor: Living Classroom Ages: 5½ – 13 Location: Eddie Souza Park & Community Garden Res/Non-res
Acrobatics I, II Participants will learn floor routines utilizing basic tumbling skills such as rolls, cartwheels, and backbends. Instructor: Linnea Sheehy Ages: 6–12 Location: CRC Res/Non-res 27966 T 8/22–10/3 4–4:45 p.m. $98/$123 27967 T 10/17–12/12 4–4:45 p.m. $98/$123 Acrobatics III, IV Participants will learn floor routines utilizing basic tumbling skills such as rolls, cartwheels, and backbends. Participants must be able to perform a front handspring, back walkover, and front walkover, unassisted. Instructor: Linnea Sheehy Ages: 8–18 Location: CRC Res/Non-res 27970 T 8/22–10/3 5:20–6:05 p.m. $98/$123 27971 T 10/17–12/12 5:20–6:05 p.m. $98/$123 Ballet & Acrobatics Let your dancer learn how to tumble and twirl in this fun combination dance class! Participants will learn elementary ballet technique, including pliés, jetés, and pirouettes, along with acrobatic movements that will help your dancer gain flexibility and coordination. Instructor: Linnea Sheehy Ages: 5–9 Location: CRC Res/Non-res 27964 T 8/22–10/3 3:15–4 p.m. $98/$123 27965 T 10/17–12/12 3:15–4 p.m. $98/$123 You can sign-up for classes, purchase tickets for performances and obtain the activity pass from your mobile device by visiting Did You Know?
27463 W
2:45–4:30 p.m.
CREATIVE ARTS Drawing, Beginning & Intermediate
Participants will experience the joy of drawing as they develop new skills while learning to draw cartoons and animated figures. The goal of the instructor is for participants to build confidence, creativity, imagination, and to have fun doing it. Instructor: James Green Location: CRC Ages: 6–8 Res/Non-res 27541 T 8/22–9/19 3:30–4:20 p.m. $125/$153 27542 T 9/26–10/31 3:30–4:20 p.m. $125/$153 27543 T 11/7–12/12 3:30–4:20 p.m. $125/$153 Ages: 9–13 Res/Non-res 27544 T 8/22–9/19 4:30–5:30 p.m. $127/$156 27545 T 9/26–10/31 4:30–5:30 p.m. $127/$156 27546 T 11/7–12/12 4:30–5:30 p.m. $127/$156 Hand-Built Ceramics Beginning and Intermediate Imagination and creativity are very welcome in this class! The instructor will introduce basic techniques of hand- built ceramics and methods of decoration through step- by-step instructions and detailed demonstrations. Instructor: Marina Smelik Ages: 9–12 Location: CRC Res/Non-res 27551 Th 8/17–9/7 4–5:30 p.m. $115/$140 27552 Th 9/14–10/5 4–5:30 p.m. $115/$140 27555 Th 10/19–11/9 4–5:30 p.m. $115/$140 27556 Th 11/16–12/14 4–5:30 p.m. $115/$140
14 | Youth
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