Uni of Southampton - Senior Project Manager (Estates Develo…




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Together we advance Working collaboratively to make a real impact on society’s biggest challenges. Page 5


Thank you for your interest in the Senior Project Manager position at the University of Southampton. At the University of Southampton, our aim is to change the world for the better. Bringing together realms of research, creativity and knowledge, we are focused on having a truly collaborative, immersive and groundbreaking impact. We care about the challenges that humanity is facing, and work to support others on both a local and global scale. We are known as a founding member of both the UK’s prestigious Russell Group of leading research intensiveuniversitiesandtheWorldwideUniversities Network (WUN). With campus operations in India, Malaysia and China, as well as major partnerships across the world, we have a global outlook that attracts the most talented staff and students from around the world. AsSeniorProjectManager,youwillleadandmanage a diverse range of projects in the £1m to £30m value rangefrominceptionthroughtodesign,construction and mobilisation, ensuring specification, time, cost, quality and sustainability expectations are delivered on.Projectsalsoincluderefurbishmentandnewbuild construction projects ranging from £1m to £100m in value. It is important that we find the right person for this role, whatever their circumstances. We will endeavour to be as flexible as possible to consider individual requirements and circumstances to find the optimum solution for the successful applicant. Please see page 8 for more information on equality, diversity and inclusion.

Our values Activities underpinned

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by the values determined by our University community. Page 6

Equality, diversity and inclusion It matters to us in all that

we do. Page 8

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Overview of the role Senior Project Manager Page 11

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The role Job description and candidate profile. Page 12

Our campuses We have five campuses in Southampton, one in Winchester and one in Malaysia. Page 18

Location The University and region. Page 20

How to apply Application details Page 22

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The North East Quadrant is the largest development area on the campus and offers a significant opportunity to provide state of the art learning and teaching spaces within an attractive new landscape setting. To learn more, please visit http://www.soton.ac.uk/neq

TOGETHER WE ADVANCE Together we can make a real impact on the future.

journeys of discovery and become confident thinkers who can realise their full potential. We attract high-quality students from over 130 countries, and educate students through University of SouthamptonMalaysiaandcollaborations with prestigious partners globally. As our students become graduates of the University, they join our wider global community of over 265,000 alumni, with access to a network that can provide further opportunities across the world. As a forward-thinking institution, we will strengthen our reputation, increasing ournationalandinternationalrankingsto secure a position in the top 10 in the UK andstrengthenourpositioninthetop100 internationally. Our strong research partnerships, public engagement and achievements in entrepreneurial activities have been recognised in our very strong all-round performance in the first and second Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF) exercises. Collaborate with us: together we advance.

Our University community is committed to the highest quality in everything we do. We have a global reputation for our passionandabilitytoworkcollaboratively in delivering world-class education, research and innovation that makes a real impact on society’s biggest challenges. To meet those challenges head-on, we must have a team that is reflective of society and our students. We strive for greater inclusivity in our community. Diversity is a strength and makes us more creative, accelerating our impact on society. We celebrate an equal and respectful environment in which people from all walks of life and backgrounds are welcome to join us. Our people inspire and empower one another to share and apply their knowledgetotransformlives.Theyarekey to what we do, and who we are. Working collaboratively and fostering a culture of transformationalleadershiparetwoofour five core values. These values form part of our University Strategy and are there tohelpusachieveouroverallpurposeand vision:toinspireexcellence,toachievethe remarkable, and build an inclusive world. Find out more about our values on page six. Our people are our University, which is why our Strategy and all of our activities focus on the communities that make up our institution. We are made up of brilliant minds, motivated leaders and passionate changemakers.Byworkingcollaboratively, we can achieve incredible things. Our exceptional students share in the

Find out more The University Strategy

The North East Quadrant project will take place in two phases. Phase 1 will be the larger of the two phases and will provide modern teaching and learning spaces necessary for the University to ensure it remains at the cutting edge of higher education and research.

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Respect, compassion, and curiosity for what makes us different strengthens our community and the communities we serve, enabling mutual success. People who feel welcomed, included, and valued will use their differences to create and enjoy a transformative experience that drives positive change in the world.

The climate emergency and ecological destruction are among the greatest challenges the world faces. By embedding sustainability in the ways we operate, in our education programmes, and addressing its urgency in our research and enterprise, we will shape a more positive future locally and across the globe.


People are at the core of our Triple Helix


Our values provide the lens throughwhichwemakedecisions, guiding our actions, collective behaviours and systems. They are integral to our purpose ofbuildinganinclusivecommunity that makes positive change. Weareambitious,bothpersonally andinstitutionally,whichrequires ustobecollaborativeandcollegial. As a community of talented individuals, our systems need to enable and empower us. Our community upholds academic freedom and develops through constructive, civil debate. Ensuring different views are heard allows us to make the best decisions.

PURPOSE AND VISION We inspire excellence to achieve the remarkable and build an inclusive world




Knowledge exchange and enterprise


Our highly-ranked education, research and knowledge exchange and enterprise (KEE) are already distinctively intertwined. Bystrengtheningandincreasingtheselinks,ourTripleHelixapproach will achieve greater impact and accelerate new ways to tackle the world’s most complex problems. This scaling up is a challenging goal we commit to achieve; its reach and ambition sets us apart.




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We will work with partners ranging from industry to the third sector to improve the lives and environment of people across diverse communities in a just and responsible way. This will be achieved through the outcomes of our education, research and enterprise, and the skills and contributions of our alumni and supporters.

Everyone in our community, together with those we serve, deserves to have their talents developed to the full so they can succeed in achieving their ambitions. Leaders at all levels of the University will continue to live our values and shared purpose to achieve this.

We will integrate digital technologies into all areas of our business, fundamentally changing how we operate to create value for people and the planet. We will ensure the impact of our new knowledge helps the world to change for the better.

Our values in action

Collaborations with prestigious partners such as Xiamen University in China, Singapore Institute of ManagementandNanyangTechnologicalUniversity allow students to study a wide range of subjects and undertakeresearchinaninternationalenvironment.

Our staff and students at Winchester School of Art collaborated with fashion designer Liang Mingyu for her sustainability sculpture, ‘Masai Mara’, as part of their ‘Itinerant Objects’ programme for Tate Exchange.

Dr Kamil Zwolski, Associate Professor in International Politics, was awarded a prestigious National Teaching Fellowship in 2022 for his innovative approach to teaching.

Our annual Vice-Chancellor’s Awards recogniseandcelebratetheexceptional contributionsmadebyourstaffduring the academic year.

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It matters to us in all that we do.

At the University of Southampton, we believe that we can only truly play our part in supporting society if we are reflective of society. We are therefore passionate about creating a working environmentinwhichyouarefreetobringyourwholeselftowork. We are focused on creating supportive workplaces for all where discrimination has no place. The way in which you choose to live your life has no bearing on your ability to do your job. Likewise, age, gender, disability, sexual orientation, religion, social background,ethnicityoranyotheridentifyingfactorwillneverbea considerationhere.Instead,wearedeterminedtoalwaystreatour staff equally, fairly and with respect. We welcome people from all walks of life, and as such, we championauniquelydiverseworkingenvironmentinwhichevery colleague is able to excel, regardless of their background or their life choices. Quite simply, we want to attract likeminded people to our team – people who care about the world, and who share our passion for creating an innovative and forward-thinking learning and research environment. We are proud to support many staff and student networks, and we encourage these groups to get involved in helping us create a forward-thinking and desirable workplace. We are a Stonewall Diversity Champion and we are immensely proud to have our institutional Athena SWAN silver award renewed, which underpins our pledge to improve equality for women. We are also delighted to have received the Race Equality Charter bronze award from Advance HE, which recognises that we have a solid foundation for eliminating racial inequalities and developing an inclusive culture that values all staff and students. We also support flexible working and are proud of our open and supportive working environment; with options such as job shares available, we ensure opportunities are equal and focused on the needs of our colleagues. We know that change and improvement is a continual process, and our community is a big part of this, so we always want to hear from our staff about how we can create the best possible working experience.

As the Associate Vice-President, ED&I and Social Justice, I believe this important role is a signal of our University’s real commitment to become a more accountable and inclusive community, and to embrace a culture that reflects all students, staff and employees.” Pascal Matthias Associate Vice-President, ED&I and Social Justice

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Our estates master plan details our ambitious plans which will see £1bn of investment to enhance and deliver a sustainable and inclusive estate over the next decade; the Senior Project Manager will play a crucial part in the delivery of this. Reporting to the Associate Directors of Estate Development, the Senior Project Manager role offers a fantastic client-side opportunity to lead and manage a diverse range of projects in the £1m to £30m value range, which involves refurbishment and new build construction projects ranging from £1m to £100m in value. You will oversee projects from inception through to design, construction and mobilisation, ensuring specification, time, cost, quality and sustainability expectations are delivered on. The successful candidate will be able to demonstrate a proven track record of developing and delivering a range capital projects in complex physical and stakeholder environments. You will have excellent communication skills, a positive and inclusive approach to stakeholder engagement and will demonstrate a genuine passion for delivering an outstanding estates environment for the University.

Sustainability and biodiversity are an important part of our work. To give just a few examples: in our Valley Gardens, we have introduced habitat piles tothewoodlandareas,whichwehopewillencouragestagbeetlesandsmall mammalssuchashedgehogs.Wehaveaddedbatboxestothetreecanopies and are experimenting with wildflower areas to encourage insects. We also collect all the spent coffee grounds from the University’s restaurants and mix these in with our compost. This adds nutrients to the soil as well as stopping weeds from germinating.”

Malcolm Jenks and his landscaping team

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School/Department: Career Pathway: Level Posts responsible to: Posts responsible for: Post base:

Estates and Facilities Management, Specialist and Administrative (MSA) 5 Associate Director of Estates Development Project Manager(s) (Level 4); External Project Managers/Contractors Office-based, with hybrid working

Job purpose Reporting to an Associate Director of Estates Development, lead and manage the delivery of a range of new-build, redevelopment and refurbishment projects across the university’s diverse estate including academic and research facilities, social space, commercial hospitality space, sport facilities and student accommodation; from inception to completion, taking responsibility for brief development, design, procurement, mobilisation, construction and handoverintooccupation;toagreedspecifications,achievingtime,cost,qualityparametersandfullcompliancewith health, safety, statutory and environmental obligations and best practice.

Internal and external relationships – Departmental and University senior management and representatives – Internal and external project management teams and consultants – Other members of the department/University staff – External customers – Relevant suppliers and external contacts Special Requirements – Ability to undertake duties at different premises including any University campus as required. – Commitment to the integrity and confidentiality of all relevant data and process

– Liaise and collaborate with Departments and Schools to undertake option appraisal feasibility and brief development for projects. – Leadership, coordination and management of a teamofin-houseandexternalprojectmanagersand consultants,takingoversightforplanning,allocation and management of projects. – Ensure that appropriate control, governance, assurance and reporting processes are in place for the life cycle of delegated projects. – Liaise closely with the Programme Management Office(PMO)inrespectofgovernanceandreporting procedures. – Ensure that comprehensive post project evaluations are carried out and that lessons learned are used to inform and develop project delivery process. – Any other duties as allocated by the line manager following consultation with the post holder.

Key accountabilities – Lead and manage projects (from £1m to £30m value) from inception to completion, taking responsibility for brief development, design, procurement, construction and handover into occupation. – Procure, appoint and manage internal and external project delivery teams; proactively manage project teams to successfully deliver projects; – Ensure that all statutory requirements are complied with. – Ensure that delegated construction projects are delivered to a high standard of environmental sustainability, balanced against the social and economicsustainabilityaspirationsoftheUniversity. – Identify, manage and mitigate all risks – budgetary/ financial, contractual, safety, programme, impact andquality;takingeffective,timelyremedialactionas required. – Manage and coordinate relationships between University Departments/Schools and externally appointed project delivery partners ensuring successful delivery to agreed quality, financial and programme criteria.

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Qualifications, knowledge and experience Essential • Skill level equivalent to achievement of a professional qualification or postgraduate degree in a construction or built environment subject. • Proven experience of managing significant change. • Proven strategic management skills in a specialist field. • Experience of leading capital projects in the £1m to £30m value range • • Experience of managing the procurement of consultants and contracts. • Knowledge and experience of procurement routes and construction forms of contract. • Experience as a lead project manager on new build, redevelopment and/or major refurbishment projects and complex infrastructure projects. Desirable • Membership of relevant professional body such as RICS, APM, CIOB, RIBA, ICE, CIBSE, Engineering Council etc. • PRINCE2 or similar project management qualification. • Experience of project managing estate projects in a campus environment compassing academic, education, health and/or research facilities. • Experience of delivering projects with very high environmental standards. • Experience of innovation, such a modern methods of construction Planning and organising Essential • Excellent planning and organisation skills commensurate with managing multiple projects concurrently. • Able to plan and manage major new projects or significant new activities, ensuring plans complement broader organisational strategy.

Problem solving and initiative Essential

• Able to identify broad trends to assess deep-rooted and complex issues. • Able to apply originality in modifying existing approaches to solve problems. Management and teamwork Essential • Able to proactively develop and manage team dynamics and performance, ensuring quality standards are consistently achieved. • Able to foster positive relationships both within and outside of own department. • Able to proactively work with internal and external stakeholders across the University to achieve key deliverables. Communicating and influencing Essential • Able to negotiate effectively on behalf of the department or University on key issues. • Able to develop and lead key communications strategies.

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Southampton is ranked

We are very excited to be investing over £40m in our sports facilities. The new building has been designed to be inclusive to all potential users, to connect to the outdoors, increase natural light, and to help meet our Low Carbon Target. The new sports facility is due to be open to users in 2024.

We attract high- quality students from over 130 countries

81st in the world 1 80th

of our research has been classed as world leading or internationally excellent 3 92%

Engaged in research with over overseas partners 700

Overall student satisfaction at Southampton is significantly ahead of the sector and is a strong performance against our competitor set, the Russell Group, and the sector 4

Received £136.9m in research grant and contracts income in 2021/22 2 £114.7m 2023/24

A founding member of the Russell Group of 24 major research-intensive universities in the UK

We have over 24,000 9,000 students, including more than international students

£4.14bn of economic impact across

Founding member of the Worldwide Universities Network

the UK in 2020/21 7

Our 265,000 alumni community spans over countries 190

We employ over 6,500 staff

Our income exceeded £673m in the 2021/22 financial year 2 Our income exceeded £750m in the 2023/24 financial year

16th Ranked in the UK 5 20th

Very strong performance in the first KEF exercise 6

1 QS World University Rankings, 2024 2025

2 University of Southampton Financial Report , 2021/22 2023/24

3 Research Excellence Framework, 2021

Over the next decade, we plan to invest over £300m in our infrastructure and facilities Over the next decade, we plan to invest over £1Bn in our infrastructure and facilities

4 National Student Survey (NSS), 2022

At any one time we are working with over external organisations around the globe 1,000

5 The Complete University Guide, 2024 2025

6 Performing at or above the cluster average across every perspective 7 The economic and social impact of the University of Southampton, London Economics, 2022

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We have six campuses in Southampton, one in Winchester and one in Malaysia. Each has its own personality, world-leading facilities and specialisms.

enterprisezoneandanartisancafe. AshortwalkacrossGuildhallSquare from the Sir James Matthews Building is the University’s John Hansard Gallery, one of the UK’s leadingcontemporaryartgalleries, which plays a dynamic role in the cultural life of Southampton and the region. The University has also recently completed the acquisition of One Guildhall Square establishing a substantial footprint in the cultural quarter of the city and supporting the University’s growth ambitions and delivery of the Estates Strategic Plan. Winchester School of Art (WSA) Based in the historic city of Winchester, our specialist arts campus is home to a vibrant community of over 1,300 art and design students. With creative ambition at its core, WSA offers cutting-edge resources and facilities including specialist computer suites, photography studios, laser cutting, 3D printing and more. TheUniversityisplanningtoexpand its presence in Winchester, with an

five new engineering laboratories, including a 30m x 15m large structures testing laboratory and a cutting-edge geotechnical centrifuge. National Oceanography Centre Southampton (NOCS) Our unique waterfront campus, based at NOCS, is one of the world’s leading research centres for the study of ocean and Earth science, with facilities including the Coral Reef Laboratory, a multi-use research aquarium, our 19.75m purpose-built catamaran and the National Oceanographic Library. With 200m of access to the waterfront, the campus is also the operational base for the Natural Environment Research Council’s (NERC) UK fleet of deep-sea research vessels, giving us unique access to research cruises all over the world. Avenue Campus Just a few minutes’ walk from Highfield, and on the edge of Southampton Common, Avenue Campus is the base for our humanities subjects. Avenue has its own lecture theatres and catering facilities, plus a purpose-built £3m archaeology building and a new interactive digital humanities hub. Southampton City Centre In the heart of the Cultural Quarter in the city centre, our Sir James Matthews Building offers updated teaching and learning spaces alongsidefacilitiesformeetinglocal and regional civic partners. The Building also includes a student

Highfield Campus Our main campus, Highfield, is the largest of our campuses, and the heart of the University. It is home to many of our state-of-the-art researchandteachingfacilities,and combines a lively and exciting atmosphere with calm, green surroundings. With cafes, shops, concert halls, gyms and even a student cinema alongside academic facilities, Highfield is a hub of activity. This is also where we are planning significant improvements to our studentsportsfacilities,includinga major expansion of the popular Jubilee Sports Centre. University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust (UHS) UHS is the main site for the study of medicine and healthcare. It hosts a purpose-built research hub , and is also home to the University’s dedicated Centre for Cancer Immunology – the first of its kind in the UK. This site will soon see the development of a new medical


UniversityHospitalSouthampton NHS Foundation Trust (UHS)


National Oceanography Centre Southampton (NOCS)

health research building. Boldrewood Innovation Campus Boldrewood is the base for

exciting opportunity from Winchester City Council. University of Southampton Malaysia



engineering studies and research. Facilities include laboratories for studyingunmannedaerialvehicles (UAVs), fluid dynamics and high-performancesports,adriving simulator, flight simulators, design studios,a138mtowingtankandour £48m National Infrastructure Laboratory (NIL). The NIL houses

In 2021, we relocated our campus in Malaysiatoabrandnewestatewith state-of-the-art laboratories, upgraded facilities, and improved learning and recreational spaces.

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Sir James Matthews Building

Winchester School of Art (WSA)


The University’s core purpose and vision is to inspire excellence to achieve the remarkable and build an inclusive world, and our partners in the city play a vital role in helping us in this. The University’s core purpose and vision is to inspire excellence to achieve the remarkable and build an inclusive world, and our partners in the city play a vital role in helping us in this.

OurfoundationsandheritagemaketheUniversity a gateway to the world and our Strategy emphasis- esourcommitmentto‘place’andbeingacivicuni- versity.WearedeeplycommittedtoSouthampton asacityofcultureandacrosstheregionwillfurther develop our civic role of making a positive impact. Being a civic university allows us to rethink how we contributetoourregion,sothatcivicengagement can become hardwired into institutional culture. Articulation of the benefit the University brings to theregionthroughtheproductiverelationshipswe havewithlocalandregionalgovernment,willhelp mobilise a community of supporters to benefit all communities. Over 50 per cent of our UK-based alumni (over 80,000 people) live within 50 miles of the University alongside‘friends’who support us philanthropically and through collaboration. UnderpinnedbythefourpillarsoftheCivicCharter – Place, People, Partnerships and Impact – we will work together with our friends and civic partner- ships to improve the lives and environment of people across diverse communities in a just and responsibleway.TheUniversitywillbecomeatruly integrated part of its local communities. Southampton Southampton is a fantastic place in which to live, work and socialise. Regardless of what life stage you are at, you will find a dynamic and vibrant city that caters for all. With an enviable location on the coast, yet just over an hour from London, the region combines incredible natural beauty with a

Winchester On the edge of the South Downs National Park, England’s ancient capital, Winchester, is steeped in history and is complemented by a lively atmosphere and a wide variety of pubs and restaurants, museums, theatres and galleries. With direct rail links to London, our Winchester School of Art campus is one of the UK’s leading art and design institutions. The city centre is currently thriving thanks to over £600mofregenerationplansandprojects,includ- ing the historic Bargate Quarter, with new hotels, homes and transport links. This is a city of growth and transformation, and it is an exciting time to be here. There is something for everyone in Southampton and the surrounding areas. For outdoor enthusi- asts,watersports,sailingandoceanracingareeasi- lyavailable,whilethebeautifulNewForestNational Park is just 30 minutes away. With many excellent local schools and nurseries, families will find a fan- tastic quality of life, while there’s a thriving LGBTQ+ social scene. Multiple faiths are celebrated in the city, and the rich cultural heritage of Winchester is just on our doorstep. thrivingsocialscene–makingitadesirableplaceto live! As an ethnically rich city that is growing rapid- ly, Southampton is benefitting from considerable investments in the region. Winchester On the edge of the South Downs National Park, England’s ancient capital, Winchester, is steeped in history and is complemented by a lively atmos- phere and a wide variety of pubs and restaurants, museums, theatres and galleries. With direct rail links to London, our Winchester School of Art campus is one of the UK’s leading art and design institutions.



Southampton Southampton is a fantastic place in which to live, work and socialise. Regardless of what life stage you are at, you will find a dynamic and vibrant city that caters for all. With an enviable location on the coast, yet just over an hour from London, the region combines incredible natural beauty with a thriving social scene – making it a desirable place to live! As an ethnically rich city that is growing rapidly, Southampton is benefitting from considerable investments in the region. The city centre is currently thriving thanks to over £600m of regeneration plans and projects, including the historic Bargate Quarter, with new hotels, homes and transport links. This is a city of growth and transformation, and it is an exciting time to be here. There is something for everyone in Southampton and the surrounding areas. For outdoor enthusiasts, water sports, sailing and ocean racing are easily available, while the beautiful New Forest National Park is just 30 minutes away. With many excellent local schools and nurseries, families will find a fantastic quality of life, while there’s a thriving LGBTQ+ social scene. Multiple faiths are celebrated in the city, and the rich cultural heritage of Winchester is just on our doorstep.

Our foundations and heritage make the University a gateway to the world and our Strategy emphasises our commitment to ‘place’ and being a civic university. We are deeply committed to Southampton as a city of culture and across the region will further develop our civic role of making a positive impact. Being a civic university allows us to rethink how we contribute to our region, so that civic engagement can become hardwired into institutional culture. Articulation of the benefit the University brings to the region through the productive relationships we have with local and regional government, will help mobilise a community of supporters to benefit all communities. Over 50 per cent of our UK-based alumni (over 80,000 people) live within 50 miles of the University alongside ‘friends’ who support us philanthropically and through collaboration. Underpinned by the four pillars of the Civic Charter – Place, People, Partnerships and Impact – we will work together with our friends and civic partnerships to improve the lives and environment of people across diverse communities in a just and responsible way. The University will become a truly integrated part of its local communities.






3rd best place to live and work in the UK*

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*Good Growth for Cities Index, January 2021, DEMOS-PwC

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The University is being supported on this recruitment campaign by the search consultancy The Management Recruitment Group (MRG). To arrange a confidential briefing conversation please contact our advisors: Charley McCarthy charley.mccarthy@mrgglobal.com Nick Coppard nicholas.coppard@mrgglobal.com Applications should consist of a comprehensive CV (of no more than 4 pages) and a covering letter (of no more than 2 pages) and should be submitted via our website here.

Close date for applications: Sunday 6 th April 2025 Initial MRG Interviews:

w/c 14 th April and w/c 21 st April 2025

Shortlist meeting:

w/c 28 th April 2025

Final Interview:

w/c 5 th May 2025

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