King's Business - 1929-04

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B o t h for $ 2 .0 0 A Whole Year’s Subscrip­ tion to Two Helpful Mag­ azines at a Money-Saving Price! Act now—Be Glad a Whole Year! The two magazines may be ordered sent to different addresses W e have a rran g ed w ith The Illu stra to r to m ake a com b in atio n offer so th a t p a s ­ to rs, Sunday-school teach ers, an d th e ir friends m ay h av e th e benefit of th e sav in g offered by th e com bination. THE KING’S BUSINESS THE ILLUSTRATOR (Twelve numbers of each) $1.25 Save 25c $ u o o $ 2 0 0 $2.25 for the two

I I I I I 1 I

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X I I F o r n early h alf a c en tu ry The Illu stra to r h a s been accep ted by all denom inations as th e S unday-school w o rk er’s m agazine w ith o u t a peer. Its w ide an d sw eeping ran g e an sw ers every re ­ quirem ent of th e successful teach er. M inisters use it. '‘E veryone tak es T he Illu stra to r th ese d ay s,” w rites a n en­ th u sia stic w orker. TRIAL OFFER: The Illustrator and the King’s Business 3 months for 50c TRIAL OFFER Enclosed please find 50 cents - fT H E KING’S BUSINESS t o r l TH E ILLUSTRATOR (th ree m onths) NOTE— E ach m agazine will be m ailed to su b ­ scrib ers d ire c t from its own office of publication. P o sta g e ex tra to C anada— T h e K ing's B usiness 25 cen ts; Illu strato r, 12 cen ts. Foreign— The K ing's B usiness 25 cen ts; Illu strato r, 24 cents. A WHOLE YEAR Enclosed please find $2.00 (T H E KING’S BUSINESS F o r lT H E ILLUSTRATOR (one y ear) S unday-school teach ers, su p erin ten d en ts, p reach ers, Bible class scholars, a n d o th ers who stu d y th e In tern atio n al Sunday School Lessons aw ard a high place to T he Illu strato r. The reason is obvious— it solves th e teach in g problem fo r all grades in a m o st p ra c tic al w ay.


M ake rem ittan ces in m oney o rd ers o r currency (reg iste re d ). L ocal checks n o t usable. A ddress o rd ers to eith er office. THE KING'S BUSINESS 536 So. Hope S t. Los Angeles, California THE ILLUSTRATOR 158 Fifth Avenue New York City



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OV E R 1 0 0 0 P A G E S A Y E A R -

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THE MISSIONARY REVIEW OF THE WORLD is a world-wide missionary mag­ azine. Each issue contains articles and edi­ torials showing the progress in preaching of the Gospel to every creature. It publishes up-to-date news of all Home and Foreign Mission work. It describes methods for awakening interest in churches and mis­ sionary societies, as well as giving informa­ tion regarding the latest and best missionary books. Articles written by such well known writers as Robert E. Speer, Samuel M. Zwemer, Prof. Harlan P. Beach, Helen Barrett Montgomery and many others will appear in the pages of the REVIEW dur­ ing the next twelve months. N ote —Each magazine will be mailed to subscribers direct from its own office of publication. The two magazines may be ordered sent to different addresses. Postage extra to Foreign Countries —The Mission­ ary Reiriew o f the World 50c; T h e K ing ’ s B usiness 25 c .

F o r e v e r y ~ Pastor, M issionary Leader, Student, Shut-in, Family, Denomination, Christian W o rke r, Missionary.

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The Missionary Review of the World - - - $ 2 .5 0 ) Both $3.00 The King’s B u s i n e s s ......................................... 1.25) Save 75cts. Subscribe to these two indispensable magazines



The Missionary


Review of the World

The King’s Business


The Missionary Review of the World 156 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y.

The King’s Business 536 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.

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