April 1929
T h e
K i n g ' s
B u s i n e s s
one in particular seemed utterly sin-sick and weary of life. At the close of the message she came up and spoke to me and told me that she wanted to become a Christian—a real Christian. She accepted Christ. We found that she needed work, and a position was found for her in a fam ily needing some one to take care of their children. Suit able clothes were purchased for her and she was sent to her new position rejoicing in her new-found Saviour and Lord. Later she was baptized and received into a good fundamental church. “Another girl, in the same mission, was manifestly touched by the message another day. I went over to her after the meeting and asked her to accept Jesus Christ as her Saviour. ‘Next week,' she said. ‘Now is the time, right now,’ I insisted. I read her Proverbs 29:1: ‘He, that being often reproved hardeheth his neck, shall sud denly be destroyed, and that without remedy.’ That made her thoughtful and at last she accepted. The next day was her birthday. She was born again just the day before she was twenty-three years old!” S OME time ago a mere lad named Joe was brought into one of the hospitals. After being there for a time he began improving rapidly. One day he said, “I don’t know why I am kept here, as I ’m sure I ’m well enough to go out.” A while later he said, “Now I know why I am here. God has a .work for me to do.” As he got better he would go from bed to bed of the Spanish people asking them to give their hearts to the Lord. He did not know English very well. He went to the bed of one man who was par-, ticularly ill. Joe talked with him and prayed, and then on parting left a Gospel. The man did not improve, but grew worse and died, and his last words were that he was dying happy in the Lord. Another Mexican man was prayed with each night. Joe told the hospital worker that this man was trying to hold on to cigarettes while at the same time trying to be a Christian, but later he gave up the cigarettes. He became a true Christian. Joe was taken suddenly very ill, and for some time he could not speak, but when we went to him he would smile and point up. As soon as he could speak he said, “I have no fear, the Lord is with me.” Another. Spanish-speaking man who had recently ac cepted Christ was told of Joe’s work. He said, “If you will give me tracts and Gospels I will distribute them and will do his work. For a while he continued Joe’s service there, but he had been praying that he might be trans ferred to a sanatorium in the hills, and this prayer was answered. He is now in the sanatorium and doubtless carrying on the work as in the other institution. Joe plans to go into Spanish Christian work as soon as he is re covered. This is the result of seed sowing day by day, and watering the seed with earnest prayer. God gives the increase. We do not yet know what the harvest will be. — o — Testimonies of Evening School Students H ERE is what a Canadian student, who is a mechanic, has to say: “The greatest blessing I receive at the Evening School is the blessed privilege of studying God’s Word.” Another, who is a Hospital attendant and who drives twenty miles to attend classes, says: “The study of the Word in the Evening School has brought me closer — o — Seed Sowing in the Hospitals
to the Lord and given me the courage to speak to others about Christ and win them to Him.” An electrician, working in Los Angeles says: “The Evening School has meant very much to me this year. It has helped me to know my Saviour better than I ever did before. I have been benefited greatly by the Christian Education course and the Bible doctrine. The report and prayer hour has meant very much to me.” Another student, who comes twenty miles every Mon day, Thursday, and Friday to attend classes, is a good Baptist and a busy business man. He is at the head of a large telephone equipment company. He says: “I have received a special blessing in the class on Christian Edu cation in learning how to teach children.” One lady says: “My profit from attending the Evening School has been a more blessed fellowship with my Lord and Master, a clearer knowledge of His Word, and a pleasant communion with my fellow students.” The evening classes are open to the public. Those being in Los Angeles and vicinity will find here an excel lent opportunity to obtain better equipment for their work in the churches. T HE Question Hour of the Radio K-T-B-I is at 1:15 each Tuesday afternoon. Rev. W. H. Pike, Secretary of the Evening School, who has charge of this hour, is ask ing one hundred questions during the next sixteen weeks. To the one who sends in the best answers to these ques tions Mr. Pike will give as First Prize a very fine Sco field Reference Bible. Oxford India Paper Edition. Brevier 8 vo. Blackface Type, French Morocco, divinity circuit, leather-lined to edge, silk-sewed, round corners, red under gold edges, No. 75x. This beautiful Bible is on display in the window of the Biola Book Room. As Second Prize, one copy of Peloubet’s Select Notes on the International Sunday School Lesson for 1929. One of the best commentaries on the International Sunday School Lesson written for 1929. Amos R. Wells, Editor. As Third Prize, one copy of “Bible Manners and Cus toms,” by George M. Mackie, M.A. “Dr. Mackie has put Bible students under a heavy debt to him. He takes us back to the land and the people of the Book of long ago, which is yet the only Book of Life in the world. He has studied the people and the country and he is at home with the children of Israel, with the people of the Old Testament and with Palestine, on the border of which he has lived for so many years.” In this work about 500 texts are illustrated from present-day life in the Orient. We are saying to the readers of T h e K ing ’ s B usi ness that if you wish to enter this contest send in for the questions already given out and listen in for the six questions given out each week over the Radio at 1:15 Tuesday afternoon. jK£ Curb That Temper! Professor Drummond says: “No form of vice, not worldliness, not greed of gold, not drunkenness itself, does more to unchristianize society than evil temper. For embittering life, for breaking up communities, for destroying the most sacred relationships, for devastating homes, for withering up men and women, for taking the bloom off childhood, in short, for sheer gratuitous misery-producing power, this influence stands alone.” Radio KTBI The Bible Institute of Los Angeles
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