April 1929
T h e
K i n g ' s
B u s i n e s s
Crusaders For Christ B y A ndrew B orland
!---------------- S Us 5------------------------------------------------------------ -- ------------------- — 5 O u r Literature Table WHAT TO PURCHASE AT BIOLA BOOK ROOM !
Short biographies of six noble men and women who went forth into dark places of the earth with the light of the Gospel, are given us in this new book of the “Ex celsior Series,” published by John Ritchie, Scotland. The author has presented, in an interesting way, the stories of Mary Slessor of Calabar, James Hannington of Victoria Nyanza, Hudson Taylor of China, Adoniram Judson of Burma, John G. Paton of New Hebrides and Alex. Mackay of Uganda. While much has been written concerning these missionary char acters, perhaps not all are so well adapted to the young reader as this book. This simple, unadorned narrative of crusaders for Christ, may inspire many to service in the far-away places. Let us not allow the rising generation to forget this noble heri tage of past missionary achievement. Price in U. S.’ $1.00. Delavan Pierson is well known as ed itor of The Missionary Review of the World. He comes to these studies in Christian beliefs with a highly trained and well-informed mind. He possesses the qualifications of a scholarly acquaintance with the Bible and familiarity with the most valuable contributions of science and philosophy. This book is really a primer of faith and conduct. It is certainly not a dull book. In interesting style it takes one through the central Christian truths and leaves one with well-defined reasons for their acceptance. There are twenty chapters on such topics as “The Riddle of the Universe” ; “Can We Know God?” ; “The Credentials of Christ” ; “The Real ity of the Spirit” ; “The Trinity” ; “What is the Bible?” ; “Sin—Fact or Fiction?” ; “Marriage and Divorce” ; “Death and Its Sequel” ; etc. Christian Alliance Publish ing Company. Price $1.50. — o — Why Believe It? B y D. L. P ierson Rev. J. Alfred Wray of the Church Missionary Society has condensed, in an interesting and striking manner, remi niscences of his thirty years’ experience as a pioneer missionary to Kenya Colony, East Africa, in this 112-page book pub lished by Marshall Brothers, Ltd., Lon don, England. Price $1.25. Thrilling incidents with the savages and their heathen customs, wild beasts, and the many tests and problems which con front pioneer work are set forth in con cise paragraphs. The book offers encouragement to sim ilar laborers and much interesting reading to lovers of missionary work and zeal, all over the world.—N. P. G. —o— A Yellow Napoleon B y A rthur E. S outhon Mr. Southon will be remembered as the author of the “God of Gold,” and this book is still more eery. It is a fascinating tale of the wilds of Africa. The yellow (Continued on Page 198) ' Kenya—Our Newest Colony B y R ev . J. A lfred W ray
In His Likeness B y D. M. M c I ntyre , D.D.
Not Slothful in Business B y H erbert A. B osch
This is another volume from across the water, published by Morgan & Scott. It is a book on practical Christianity and such a book as we pray may find entrance to thousands of Christian homes. The au thor holds to the point that a deliberate and sustained attempt to follow the Mas ter is the inevitable consequence of a liv ing faith. He shows that such an attempt becomes “fruit” only through the indwell ing Saviour and the inworking of the Holy Spirit. This exercise unto godli ness, he insists, rests as an obligation on all believers, and everyone who cherishes the hope of being one day like unto Christ will “purify himself even as He is pure.” This book gets down where we live, and those who really want to “do business with God” will face its challeng ing statements. Those who want only doctrinal discussion will pass it by. Price $1.50. —o— The First or Seventh Day—Which? B y R ev . W. S. W illiams There comes to us a 25c booklet dealing with the Sabbath question, which we heartily recommend to those desiring, in concise form, the arguments against the observance in this age of the seventh day of the week as Sabbath. We have a slight fear that on account of a rather antago nistic spirit displayed in some parts, the booklet would not prove serviceable in many cases as literature to be placed in the hands of Seventh Day Adventists. Nevertheless, the argument is conclusive and the fact? set forth are of vital impor tance to teachers. There are some points of minor importance wherein we would not agree with the author’s viewpoint. As to the main issue, he goes directly to the heart and the writer considers it valuable for reference. Published by A. E. Kern & Co., Portland. The Bible Reader’s Life of Christ B y B yron H oover D ement Those wishing to take up an intensive study of the life of Christ, will find this a comprehensive and yet concise work. It is an interpretative account of the words and works of Jesus, based on the Gospel harmony. Bible students will find it of extreme value because of its simplicity in expression, clear and connected in presen tation, and analytical in outline. The book is so arranged and the topics and events are developed in such a way as to make it ideal as a textbook in schools, conferences and Bible classes. It is heart ily recommended to K ing ’ s B usiness readers. Published by Fleming Revell. Price $2.50. -^-E. N. — o —
Pastors will gladly welcome this book, setting forth as it does a new approach to stewardship, based on the primary duty of the Church to reach men and women for Jesus Christ. The money problem of the Church is important, but not all-impor tant. Much harm has been done in many of our churches through an overemphasis on money. Several of the money-making schemes are examined. Many of these are put on by well-meaning church members, and are looked upon as good ideas, but a close ex amination of these schemes shows them to be futile in the real purpose of the church. In the place of these doubtful schemes the author gives some constructive and well-reasoned plans for putting the Church on a firm financial basis. The key note of this program is the institution of a new every-member canvass, enlisting their loyalty to the services of the Church—not just asking for their money; Creating and maintaining steady Church attendance prepares the way for an educa tional program to secure adequate sup port of the Church and its benevolent in terests. The author is the pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Mansfield, Ohio, and has received recognition by his denomina tion as a speaker at National Conventions for his constructive ideas in the depart ment of stewardship and finance. Pub lished by Doubleday, Doran. Price $1.75. —E. N.
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Toward a Better World B y E vangeline B ooth A volume of sermon addresses.
In these Gospel messages, so ably pre sented, are found m a n y incidents in the work of the Salvation Army that will bring help, comfort, and inspiration. Min isters and teachers will especially welcome the wide variety of illustrations. Published by Doubleday, Doran. Price $2.00.—E. N.
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Shadow and Substance B y G eorge C. N eedham
George Needham was a well-known Bible teacher in the days of D. L. Moody. His various books have brought blessings to thousands. The Bible Institute Col- portage Association has just brought to gether, under the above title, a collection of Mr. Needham’s studies giving exposi tions of the tabernacle types. The author gave much study to typology, and in a marked degree he possessed the gift of making these matters simple and forceful. The book deals, of course, with all of the details of the tabernacle, there being 21 chapters. Price $1.25.
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