kDirectors’ Statement A FTER much prayer and serious reflection concerning the C_^JL book, “Peter, the Fisherman Philosopher,” written by Dr, J. M. Maclnnis, former dean of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, the Board of Directors desires to make the following statement: We reaffirm our belief in the great fundamental doctrines of Christianity as set forth in the Statement of Doctrine of the Bible Institute. Because we recognized that we were in error in commend ing the book, “Peter, the Fisherman Philosopher,” the Board some time ago accepted the resignation of the author, and he. has now absolutely no connection with the Institute; and being determined that our testimony to and teaching of the Funda mental doctrines of Christianity as set forth in the Institute’s Statement of Doctrine shall be so clear as to be absolutely above all possibility of suspicion, we hereby express our disapproval of said book, and declare that its thought and teaching does not represent the thinking and teaching of the Bible Institute today; and further, as a first step in the execution of our determina tion to pursue a course which will put this Institute's loyalty to the Bible beyond question, we have already discontinued the use, sale and circulation of the book, “Peter, the Fisherman Philosopher,” in the Bible Institute or elsewhere, and all remain ing copies, together with the type-forms, have been destroyed. In respect to the future policy of the Institute, the Board hereby declares its determination to adhere strictly to the pu r pose for which the Bible Institute of Los Angeles was founded, namely: The teaching of the Bible as the inspired and infallible Word of God in order to train men and women for the task of proclaiming the Gospel of salvation through the blood of Christ at home and abroad. The Board also hereby declares that only such teachers will be elected to or retained on the Faculty of the Institute as do solemnly pledge themselves without reservation that their teaching shall be in complete harmony with the doctrinal state ment of the Institute and with this declaration, and that they will carry out this declared policy of the Board. Adopted at a special meeting of the Board of Directors held March 20, 1929.
President, Board of Directors
Bible Institute of Los Angeles.
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