April 1929
T h e
K i n g ' s
B u s i n e s s
A BOOK A MONTH Books which Members o f the Biola Faculty have fo u n d Helpful
Quaker Adventures E dited by E dward T homas R eviewed by R ev . J ohn H . H unter
A T H O M E ! L et us tell you how you can quickly and easily learn to play your favorite instrum ent, rig h t in your own home and in your spare time. Music will m ake you popular, welcomed every w here, and offermany big-moneyopportunities. E a sy a s A-B-C Ton need know nothing about music to begin. We give you personal, individual instruction right from the start and guarantee your satisfaction. You will be surprised and delighted that music can be made so easy and fascinating. Courses in Piano,V iolin,V oice,Trum pet, M ando lin, O rgan, Bi.__jo, Tenor Banjo, Spanish G uitar, H aw aiian G uitar. Surprisingly low cost; easy terms. Send for O ur New Catalog Today It will tell you all about this great School—now in its 26th successful year—and the wonderful National Academy Method that has meant success to over 200,000 enthusiastic students. Send for it right now, while you think of it. It is FREE. N A T IO N A L A C A D E M Y O F M U S IC D ept, 2 1 9 702 East 41st S treet, Chicago
This is one of the most fascinating books we have read .in some time. The opening paragraph of the brief preface says: “The stories told in this book were gathered and edited for broadcasting, in the first part of the year 1928, at the re quest of the management of Radio Sta tion W G L of New York City.” This explains how the book “comes to be.” It consists of twenty-five brief chapters, each chapter running about seven or eight pages. The brevity is explained by the note in the preface quoted above. There is an old saying: “Peace hath her victories no less renowned than War.” After reading this book we would make bold to say: War has its peaceful as well as its militant heroes. No greater bravery was, or could be shown, by those actually handling rifle, or bayonet, or bomb, than :was shown by these brave Quaker ad venturers in the war-torn lands where, following the Master’s example, they went about doing good. The men and women who modestly re count these adventures were engaged in (Continued from Page 197) Napoleon is a half-breed African, son of an Irish Army officer, who determines to become king of all blacks and then drive out the hated whites. A love story is interwoven by the love of a young missionary for the sister of the Commissioner. The publisher is Revell. There are 2S3 pages and the price is $1.75.—O. G. B. The Eternal God Revealing Himself to Suffering Israel and to Lost Humanity B y D avid L. C ooper Every worker for the evangelization of the Jews feels the need of material that will appeal to the Jewish mind as first of all sound from the standpoint of the Jew ish Scriptures, and then clear and logical in its unfolding, so that the conclusions reached will be inevitable. When Mr. Cooper undertook the writing of such a message to Israel, he at first thought that a pamphlet might be of sufficient size to accomplish his purpose, but, as he wrote, the subject grew until the present book of 362 pages resulted. In the argument, Mr. Cooper first ad — o —
relief and rehabilitation work in France, Silesia, Danzig, Russia, Syria, China, etc. They nursed the sick, fed the hungry, clothed the naked, built temporary and permanent houses and hospitals, encoun tered obdurate officials and desperate brig ands, assailed barricades of red tape, and conquered in the name and spirit of Him who “came not to be ministered unto but to minister and to give His life a ran som for many.” Some of the chapter titles are : With Little Children in Silesia, Feeding a Mil lion Children, Fighting Famine, White Bandits in Red Russia, Japanese Banzais for Americans, With Famine and Scourge in Syria. Get.the book and read it if you want your heart thrilled with admiration for Christian heroes, warmed with sympathy for suffering humanity, and filled with thanksgiving to our glorious Lord for what He does in and through our fellows. Published by Fleming H. Revell Company. 221 pages. Price $2.00. dresses himself to the spirit of unbelief prevailing among the Jews, and he pre sents a mass of material proving the ne cessity of a Creator and a Moral Gov ernor in the universe, and then he shows that this is none other than the God of Israel. He shows that the God of Israel is re vealed as a plurality, as a unity, and as a trinity in these Old Testament Scriptures. He shows that the Coming One, the Mes siah, is to be a divine person, that He is to suffer, die, and ultimately to reign vic toriously. He shows that the New Testament teaching covers the same ground as the Old, and that the Christ of the New Tes tament is none other than the Messiah prophesied throughout the Old. Israel is given the proper Scriptural place, both in history and in prophecy. The evangelical note rings true through out, and one may learn from the book God’s way of salvation if he chooses to become a candidate for grace.
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„ B I G P R O F I T « . For zour CJbiircxi O rgan ization GOTTSCHALK’S METAL SPONGE RCS. US. PAT. OFF. ‘‘th e M o d ern D ish C lo th !' —WRITE FOR FULL INFORMATION— MBTAL SPONGE SALES C O R P O R A T IO N ^ .* - - ----- ---------------------------- LEHIGH AND MASCHER. STREETS COMMUNION .CUPS G lasses D ozen, g lasses q u a lity P la te s a t lo w p ric e s. T R IA L O U T F IT . W rite fo r THOMAS COMMUNIONCO.,Box542,Uma,Ohlo 5000 SSSii WANTED to sell Bibles, Testaments, good books and hand some velvet Scripture mottoes. Good commission. Send fo r F ree C atalog a n d P rice L ist GEORGE W . NOBLE, PUBLISH ER D ept. No. 7C, M onon Bldg., C hicago, I1L
The book contains much material that pastors and teachers will find of exceed ing value in the understanding of Scrip ture, whether or not one is studying from the standpoint of the Jew. Published by The Evangelical Press, Harrisburg, Pa. Price $3.75.—H. W. K. • • CCMEINATION OFFER • #
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