King's Business - 1929-04


April 1929

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

and find when the time arrives. It was no matter to David whether it was the lion, the bear, or this giant of the Philistines : it was all one to him, for in himself he was as weak in the presence of one as the other, but he went on quietly doing his duty, taking it for granted that God would be with him. This is faith. — J.N.D. April IS— ‘‘The peace of God which pass- eth all understanding" (Phil. 4:7). Bring me that peace of Thine, O my God. It is as the peace of the ocean, which holds depths beneath it. It is not thé rest of lifelessness, but the rest of balance. Thy patience is the patience, not of spentness, but of expectancy; it rests in hope. Bring me the peace of pulsa­ tion, the calm of courage, the endurance that springs from energy. Bring me the fortitude of fervor,- the repose through inner radiancy, the tenacity that is born of trust. Bring me the silence that comes from serenity, the gentleness that is bred of joy, the quiet that has sprung from quickened faith. When I hear Thee in the whirlwind, there will be a great calm.— George Matheson. “We are missing the Christianity of meditation, of communion, of inner event”—so thinks à great m o d e r n preacher. It is to be feared the statement is too sadly true. Certainly, if we are missing the kind of Christianity referred to, it is a great miss, and we cannot but be terrible losers by it. There can be no doubt that, in these days of push and hurry, religion is developing a tendency to fussy activity, which is very far from healthful. We are in danger of a mere “rushing” holiness* a bustling “outdoor” piety forever on the trot. We are so busy in running the Lord’s errands for Him that we have no time to think His thoughts after Him ; we are so cumbered with the smaller cares of the Master’s household that we have scarcely time to keep up acquaintance with the Master Himself. In our extreme anxiety to live for Christ we are forgetting to live with Christ. One must try to live in both ways, in order to live well in either. It was the complaint of Dr. Chalmers : “I am almost bustled out of my spirituality.” We are exposed to the like danger, and must guard against it by living inwardly as well as outwardly, by cultivating a re­ ligion of thought as well as a religion of effort, by praying and pondering as well as working, by fostering in silence faith and fervor, hope and love, as well as by running to and fro in ceaseless activity. Martha’s business must not hinder Mary’s. It is only from the silent chamber of com­ munion, where in the intimacy of solitude the soul holds converse with Jesus, that we can step forth into the activity of men, “like an angel from the presence of God,” with the halo of a tender love, the elo­ quence of a direct message, and the ac­ cumulated force of a real experience.— S. Law Wilson. — o — April 16— “And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus’ feet, and heard His word" (Luke 10:39). — o —


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WHO ARE THE HAK-KAS? T h e pro v in ces of N o rth Kw ang T ung, S o u th K iang Si a n d S outhw est F ukien, in S o u th e rn C hina, a re dom inated by a d istinct trib e of ov er 3 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 people, dif­ fe re n t in sp eech and custom from th e o th e r C hinese an d k now n as th e H ak-kas. T h ey a re hard y , intellectual, highly civilized a n d friendly. M issionary w o rk in C hina has b een confined m ostly to co ast sections a n d tra d ­ ing ro u tes; hence, th ese in te rio r p e o p le a re th e m ost neg lected in C h ina. T h ey a re open fo r th e Gospel, n o t a n ta g o n istic to it a n d c an be easily evangelized. T h e H a k -k a M ission, Inc., has b een form ed to w o rk am ong th ese receptive H a k -k a p eople. S everal n ativ e w o rk e rs a re a lre ad y serving in th e field; tw en ty -o n e m o re a re available,— co n secrated a n d tra in e d to b e a r th e Gospel to th e ir ow n people. N eeds: P ra y e rs of G od’s F aith fu l ones th a t m o re n ativ e M issionary p re a c h e rs a n d Bible w om en m ay b e th ru st am ong this u n iq u e people, of w hom only a few have h e ard th e Gospel. N ative w o rk e rs cost b u t $ 8 .5 0 to $ 1 2 .5 0 m onthly, d ep en d in g on th e lo catio n a n d size of fam ily. M issionaries, $ 6 0 to $ 7 0 m onthly. A ll w illing to jo in o u r p ra y e r fam ily should send th e ir nam es a n d addresses. In tere stin g lite ra tu re m ailed on request. A. C. G aebelein , D.D., President; C ol . E. N. S anctuary , Treasurer. THE HAK-KA MISSION, INC., 156 Fifth Avenue, New York City ÜRevelation to Bible S THEMOSTOVrOf

M illions of Bibles lie idle. Y et classes fo r b o th m en and w om en, y o u n g an d old, teach ers, students, scholars— a re co n stan tly seeking fu rth e r Biblical j| T h e Bible rem ain s com p arativ ely unkn ow n to countless i th o u sa n d s w ho should have its in sp iratio n to guide th eir daily lives. In th ese m o d ern tim es w ith so m an y diversions p eo p le a re p ro n e to o verlook re ad in g of th e T ru th s, th e B eauties, th e m arvelous teach in g s th e Bible holds in su c h a b u n d a n t store leaving un til tom o rrow w h a t th ey should do today. T o com bat this feeling of indifference of th e m ultitudes, 3 7 of th e w o rld 's m ost em inent Biblical au th o ritie s have co l­ ’»SjA j| ¡ h s ’mV I know ledge.

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