April 1929
T h e
K i n g ' s
B u s i n e s s
nightmare. And how soon does this soul- fever strike us down! How it unfits us for our ministry of blessing, robbing us of the “heart at leisure from itself” and filling the soul with sad, distressing fears, until our life seems like the helpless, withered leaf, whirled and tossed hither and thither by the wind 1 For the fever of the body there may not always be relief, but for the fever of the spirit there is a possible and a perfect cure. It is the touch of Jesus. A close personal contact with the living and loving Christ will re buke the fever of your heart; it will give to your soul a quietness and restfulness that are divine; and with the touch of His omnipotence upon you, and with all the elation of conscious strength, you, too, will arise into a nobler life, a life which will find its supremest joy in min istering unto others and so ministering unto Him.— The Rev. Henry Burton, D.D. Be earnest. Intense earnestness, a whole heart for Christ, the passion sign of the cross, the enthusiasm of our whole being for our Master and humanity,—this is what the Lord expects, this is what His cross deserves, this is what the world needs, this is what the age has a right to look for. Everything around us is in tensely alive. Life is earnest, death is earnest, sin is earnest, men are earnest, business is earnest, knowledge is earnest, the age is earnest. God forgive us if we alone are trifling in the white heat of this crisis time. Oh, for the baptism of fire! Oh, for the living coal upon the burning lips of lovel Oh, for men God-possessed April 21— “As much as in me is I am ready” (Rom. 1:15).
April 17—"Yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead" (Rom. 6:13). You and I have to be willing to yield the unknown future to the Lord, and then the Lord will keep us in line with His purposes throughout the whole of our life. Discipleship means the yielding of yourself to Him that He may fulfil His purposes of grace to you, that He may do all His will in you, and that He may give Himself to you. The consecration which the Bible reveals is that which means the continuous realization that our Lord is a perfect Saviour; a Saviour to the utter most; One who is able to keep us, and does keep us.— J. A. Bevan. “It is always light on God’s side of the cloud.” These words were spoken the other day by a deeply tried soul, who knows what it is to have wave upon wave of sorrow roll over her. Yet in the dark she had learned to rest in this grand secret, that the Godward side of the cloud was all light. Are we not often so occupied with the dark side of sorrow as it touches ourselves as to forget or ignore God’s side? He “maketh the clouds His chariot” (Psa. 104:3). “He cometh with clouds” (Rev. 1:7). Let us seek for a cleared and purified spiritual vision, that we may see Him when He thus comes to u s: and every sorrow, every trial which reveals Jesus, we may indeed welcome. The disciples “feared as they entered into the cloud,” .but out of the cloud came a voice, introducing God’s own Son to them, and when the darkness was past, they found “Jesus only.” It. is to this very end, I believe, that God is training and leading His own—that “Jesus only” may fill their thoughts, may be the center of their affections, the one object of all their longings and desires. How our lives would be simplified if they were reduced to one thing. — o — April 19— “The wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated” (James 3:17). An old clergyman once leaned over his pulpit and said to his flock: “If you are not very kind you are not very holy.” I believe the old man was right. Loving kindness is a real mark of holiness. I have a good deal of sympathy with that prayer so often quoted of that little child: —“O Lord, make the bad people good, and the good people nice!” That is the proof of our Christianity. Past, present, and future are all alike to the Lord. Whatever our past may have been, what ever our present may be, whatever the future may bring, He is able to save to the uttermost.— Dr. Griffith Thomas. April 20— “Be still” (Psa. 46:10). The fever “left her, and immediately she rose up and ministered unto them.” Yes, and there are fevers of the spirit as well as of the flesh, when the heart is quick and flurried, the brain hot with anxious thought; when the fret and jar of life seem eating our strength away, and oUr disquiet spirit finds its rest broken by the pressure of some fearful April 18-— “Men see hot the bright light which is in the clouds” (Job'37:21).
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