King's Business - 1929-04


April 1929

T h e

K i n g ' s : B u s i n e s s

and self-surrendered, grasping God’s great idea and pressing forward for the mark of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

agency that the world needs more than speeches, organization, or the multitu­ dinous panaceas that men have adopted for the cure of the world’s ills. . . . If you live a life full of reservation and compro­ mise, the world will be always tempting you, always seeking to seduce- you from your allegiance to Christ. But when a man becomes the absolute property of Jesus Christ, he can say to those who would tempt and trouble him : “Hands off 1 Do you not see the marks of my ownership? Those marks are the sign,of his servitude to one master and his free­ dom from all others.”— G. M. “Tempt not my soul away;. Jesus is mine. Here would I ever stay; Jesus is mine. Perishing things of clay, born but for one brief day, Pass from my heart away; Jesus is mine.” —o— April 25— “I have made, and I will bear: even I will carry, and will deliver you” (Isa. 46:4). Is the storm raging around us? Is our bark tossed by the tempest? Let us not give ourselves over to despair. We did not make the bark; we cannot steer it. Let us then, with the wisdom of Christian sailors on the sea of life, be regardless of the storm, while all our attention is riveted on the Pilot. Him let us watch; Him let us obey; in Him let us put all our trust and confidence. He will, if it pleaseth Him, say to the hollow waves of this troubled world, “Peace, be still 1” If not, He will impart to us strength and encouragement to ride the storm in safety. — Rev, E. Girdlestone, There must be the personal contact of my soul with the loving heart of Christ, the individual act of my own coming to Him, and, 'as the old Puritans used to say, “my transacting” with Him. Like the ocean of the atmosphere, His love en­ compasses me, and in it I live, and move, and have my being. But I must let it flow into my spirit, and stir the dormant music of the soul. Lean shut it out, sealing my heart love tight against it. I do shut it out unless by my own conscious, personal act I yield myself to Him, unless by my own faith I- come to Him, and meet Him, secretly arid really as did the penitent apostle, whom the message that pro­ claimed the love of his Lord, emboldened to meet the Lord who loved, and by His own lips to be assured of forgiveness and friendship. It is possible to stumble at noontide as in the dark. A man may starve outside of barns filled with plenty, and his lips may be parched with thirst, though he is within sight of a broad river flowing in the sunshine. So a soul may stiffen into the death of self and sin, even though the voice that wakes the dead to a life of love be calling to it. Christ and His grace are yours if you will, but the invitations and beseechings of His mercy, the constant drawings of His love, the all- embracing offers of His forgiveness, may be all in vain, if you do not grasp them and hold them fast by the hand of faith. April 26— “I am come that ye might have life . . .. more abundantly” (John 10: 10 ).


“M A IL EVANGCLI/M” By CHARLES W IESENBERG A catalo g u e of 36 “D e ar H e b r e w F rien d “ letters, w ritte n by a C h ristian Jew to sp re ad the» tr u th of C h ristian ity am ong his ow n people. T h e le tte rs deal w ith th e difficulties th a t exist in th e m inds of th e Jew s re g ard in g th e L o rd Jesu s C hrist, a n d form a com ­ p lete system of evangelism . T h e c atalo g u e is sen t FREE to th o se in ­ tere sted in th e evangelization of th e Jew s. Christian Witness to Israel, Inc. 521 W EST 179th STREET, N EW YORK, N. Y. DO YOU AGREE THAT EVERY CHRISTIAN IN RUSSIA SHALL HAVE A BIBLE? We have printed and distributed IN RUSSIA 35.000 BIBLES 25.000 New Testaments “$37,347.50 will print 25,000 B i b l e s (with new plates) and 25,000 New Testa­ ments (plates already on hand).”— I S. Prokhanoff. The new printing is planned When funds are in hand. 156 Fifth Avenue, Room 411- K 7 UNANSWERABLE BOOKS Will help you laugh at misfits and contradic­ tions of evolution and modernism. Jocko-Homo Heavenbound, Puddle to Paradise, Toadstool Among the Tombs, Alibi Lullaby By-by, The Gee-Haw of the Modern Jehu, Rastus Agustus Ex­ plains Evolution, Seven Thunders of Millennial Lawn. Last mentioned is a surprising exposé of Eussellism. African missionary writes, “ When I have time, I read them again and again.** America’s best known evan­ gelist commends them. We estimate we have sold S 3,ooo to ministers. Many evangelists sell them. Each P°ftPaid. “ When Snakes Began to Nurse 1 heir Young and " Cousin’s Day at the Zoo** (each 8 t>ages) free with $x order. Homo Pub. Co., Rogers,O. New York City, foMM un ion W are of Q uality In Aluminum or Silver Plate BEST MATERIALS •LOWESTPRICES FINEST WORKMANSHIP Sendfo r Illu stra ted Catalog INDIVIDUAI. COMMUNION SERVICELO. ROOM3B6 1701-03 CHESTNUTSTREET, PHILADELPHIA.PA.■ (m a im PRAY THIS THROUGH Address all communications and make all checks payable to All-Russian Evangelical Christian Union

April 22— “Rise and pray, lest ye enter into temptation” (Luke 22:46). The oldest saints, and the wariest saints and the least liable to temptation, will not think themselves safe without con­ stant and instant prayer. Look at Christ Himself. By the time He came to His last trials and temptations—we should have thought that by that time He would have been above all temptation................ He cut short His great sermon, after the Supper, in order that He might get away from the Upper Room to the Garden to pray. He made haste to get across the Kedron to the place where He was wont to go alone at night. He said, “Arise and make haste; let us go hence.” And as soon as He. was come to His closet, among the olives, vines and aloes, He made haste to shut His door till the blood came through His forehead, and fell down on the midnight grass. He was in an agony. . . . He foresaw the trials and the temptations of that night and that morning, and that made Him hasten away, even from the Lord’s table, to secret prayer. . . . Not only when trials and temptations are at their doors will your men of prayer “make haste.” There have been men of God who have so “watched” unto prayer, and have so num­ bered, not their days only, but their hours also, that their clock never struck without their making haste to speak to Him again. They parted company with every past hour, and saw it going away into judg­ ment with prayer; and they received and sanctified evdry new hour, consecrating its first moments to praise and prayer. —o— April 23— “When he had heard therefore that he was sick, he abode two days still in the same place where he was” (John 11 : 6 ) . My soul, be not afraid of God’s silence! It is another form of His voice. God’s si­ lence is more than man’s speech. God’s negative is better than the world’s affirma­ tion. Have thy prayers been followed only by a calm stillness? Well, and is not that God’s voice, a voice that will suf­ fice thee in the meantime till the full dis­ closure come? Wait for him in the si­ lence, and ere long it shall become vocal! -^George Matheson. |—6— April 24— “He cannot be My disciple . .,. cannot be My disciple . . . cannot be My disciple” (Luke 14:26, 27, 33). In the Christian life there is a twofold renunciation. One is obligatory, without which we cannot be saved, for sacrifice is the initial step in entering into the kingdom. “Whosoever doth not take up the cross/’ said Jesus, “and come after Me, cannot be My disciple.” You can no more be a Christian without sacrifice than a bird can fly without wings. But there is a self-renunciation which is voluntary, and without which our brother cannot be saved. He who is a stranger to it has no “marks,” no “print of the nails,” no .tokens of true discipleshlp . . . . It is the revival of a personal self-sacrificing

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