April 1929
T il e
K i n g ' s
B u s i n e s s
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April 27 —“Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth" (Matt. 5:5). The use of the word “meek” to describe an unresentful attitude to those who wrong us, is defective. The true meaning, while it includes that, goes deeper. It em braces our attitude to God. When thé in nermost is secured, the outermost follows. Men of the world imagine meekness to be weakness. Rather is it power under con trol. Weakness blazes forth and hits out. Meekness answers with soft words—or is silent—because it is strong. The meek do inherit the earth, since, among other ser vices, they make it .habitable by expelling from it the evils which encompass men. Therefore, “blessed are the meek.”— Rev. Allan Poole. April 28 —“But one thing is needful; for Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her” (Luke 10:42). The “one thing” is a lasting possession. In all the years to come, Mary was to carry as a treasure in her soul the mem ory of that hour. She had sat at Jesus’ feet, she had looked into His loving face, she had seen in the depths of His eyes the preparation for the giving of Himself for her and for the sins of the world. The memory of that hour was to remain so vivid, so satisfying, so compelling in all her later life, that she entered at once into the knowledge of that new intimacy with the Risen Lord which was expressed in His promise: “Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” Mary was quick to perceive that there are times and seasons in our relations to God. The Lord’s ministry was rapidly passing away. The opportunities for the privileges of loving expression and for personal service would be few. Mary seizes this one as it passes; and the wis dom of her act, not to say its supreme importance, is what the Lord recognizes and approves. There are times when the Lord means to give us surcease of care, and to lift our spirits into the light of His countenance, and to create in us the radiant joy of a divine companionship,— times when our spirit responds to the Spirit of God, and when we are permitted to hear the voice of God calling to us as the still small voice spoke to the prophet after the whirlwind and the fire: Then is the golden opportunity for the man who would know God. In such hours the Master calls us to new duties, or opens to us new doors of opportunity, or seeks to bestow upon us new joys in new revela tions of Himself. Well for us if, with Mary, we recognize the hour and the privilege .—Streams in the Desert. — o — April 29 —“I will watch to see what He will say to me” (Hab. 2:1). Prayer, when we think of it, and per form it aright,—prayer is a magnificent thing—and a venturesome thing—for any man to do. Prayer builds, and fits out, and mans, and launches a frail vessel of faith on the deep and wide sea of God’s sovereignty, and sets her sails for a har bor nothing short of heaven. And then, the wise merchantman gives God and his ship time to be on her way back again; and then, like Habakkuk, he sets himself on his high tower. All his interests are now up there. As Paul has it, all his con
versation is in heaven . . . . I am con vinced that we lose many answers to our prayers..............because we do not go up to our tower to watch for and to welcome God’s answers to our prayers. “Why should I answer?” our God may well say i to His waiting and ministering angels. “Why should I answer? He is never on his watch when I send My answer. And, even when I do send My answers to his house and to his heart, he takes them and holds them' as common and everyday things . . . . He never wonders at My grace to him. He never performs his vow for My goodness to him. He holds a thousand—he and his—of My benefits; but he does' not seem to know it ”— Alexander Whyte, D.D. April 30 —“And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep notl Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof’ (Rev. 5:5). Our Saviour is near thee, suffering, lonely, tempted friend! Thou art not the plaything of wild chance. There is a pur pose in thy life which Jesus is working out. Let thy spirit flee for rest to Christ, and to His pierced hand, which opens the book of thy lifel Rest thee there! Be patient and trustful! All will work out right. Some day thou wilt understand. In the meanwhile, trust Him “though sun and moon fail, and the stars drop into the dark.”— F. B. Meyer. A doctor was once asked by a patient who had met with a serious accident, “Doctor, how long shall I have to lie here?” The answer, “Only a day at a time,” taught the patient a precious les son. The same lesson God taught His people, and the people of all ages since, through the method of His provision for Israel during their wilderness j ourney. “The day’s portion in its day.” Day by day the manna fell, enough for each day, and no more and no less. So God promises us, not “As thy weeks” or “as thy months,” but “As thy days, so shall thy strength be.” And that means Monday’s grace for Monday, and Tuesday’s grace for Tuesday, and so on. Why, then, bor row trouble for the future? We are es pecially told by the Lord to “take no thought for tomorrow.” The true rule is to live by the day, to live a life of trust. The law of divine grace is, “Sufficient un to the. day.” The law of divine deliver ance is, “A very present help.” The law of divine guidance is, “Step by step.” One who carries a lantern on a dark road at night sees only a step before him. If he takes that step he carries the lantern for ward and that makes another step plain. At length he reaches his destination in safety without once stepping into dark ness. The whole way was made light to him, though only a single step of it was made plain at one time. This is the method of God’s guidance—one step at a time. It is a blessed secret, this of liv ing by the day. Anyone can carry his bur den, however heavy, till nightfall. Any one can do his work, however hard, for one day. And in the strength of God, anyone can live trustingly, lovingly, and May 1 —“The day’s portion in its day” (Exodus 16:4, Margin).
Mefferd B ook Bindery
Pipe-Tone Folding Organs 4 Octave Double Beed In order to introduce our OR GANS, either leatherette cov ered, or 3-ply oak case, we will accept for a limited time orders at $40.00 each (list price $70.00). A. L. W H IT E M FG. CO. 205 Englewood Ave., Chicago, III. LATEST MODEL LIBERTY P IP E -TO N E FO LDING
THE HARVEST TRULY IS PLENTEOUS In vario u s p a rts of th e w orld a N ative T rained C h ristian m ay be su p p o rte d in th e w ork of G od fo r an en tire y e a r fo r from $25 to $600. L iteratu re free. NATIVE PREACHER CO. INC., Box K , 251 F airm o u n t Rd., R idgew ood, N . J. A Whole Year for $1.00! The I llu stra tor gives Sunday-school teachers the best! "Would not do without it for ten times its cost." W . H. Col grove. Sample copy free. TH E ILLUSTRATO R, 158 Fifth Avenue, New York SAVE A SOUL FROM DEATH This is being done in A frica, C hina, India, by N ativ e E v an g elists a n d Bible W om en who are being su p p o rted fo r from 80c to $2.00 a week, $40 to $100 for a year. W rite Rev. H. A. B arton, Secy., Box B, 473 G reen A ve., B rooklyn, N. Y., fo r free lite ra tu re . purely till the sun goes down. And this is all that life really means to us—just one little day. May 2 —“I f we live in the • Spirit, let us also tvalk in the Spirit" (Gal. 5:25). “Walk in the Spirit.” That has to do with the personal life. In verse 25, the word “walk” is a military one. That means, “Keep step with the Holy Ghost.” When He says “H alt!” then stop; when He gives a command, obey; when He tells you to hasten, hurry on, for “the King’s business requires haste.”— Rev. Douglas Brown. —o— May 3 —“Wait on the Lord” (Ps. 27:14). How often this is said in the Bible, how little understood! It is what the old monk calls the “practice of the presence of God.” It is the habit of prayer. It is the continued communion that not only asks, but receives. People often ask us to pray for them and we have to say, “Why, God has answered our prayer for you, and you must now take the answer. It is awaiting you, and you must take it by waiting on the Lord.” This it is that renews (Continued on Page 204) “Day by day the manna fell; Oh! to learn this lesson well.”
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