King's Business - 1929-04


April 1929

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

World-WideWitnessing T R U E understanding of C hrist’s pur­ pose set forth in the W ord, and a genuine revealing of H is passion and love in the hearts of H is followers, will lead the obedient Christian to definite participation in missionary m inistry in its threefold aspect: World-W ide W itnessing Earnest Evangelism Building the Body of Christ In witnessing for Jesus Christ in world­ wide fields of service the Alliance is both G O IN G A N D G R O W IN G In its nineteen mission fields the Gospel is being preached in thirty-four languages. Seventeen of the language groups have no other known evangelical witness for Christ. Three new fields will be entered during 1929, the Lord willing, and definite ad­ vance has recently been made in several fields into new territory where Christ has not before been named. P r a y e r is needed For laborers (M atthew 9: 38) For utterance (Ephesians 6: 18-20) For fruitbearing (II Thessalonians 3 : 1 ) M e n a n d W o m e n are needed,—Spirit- filled, power-endued, full of love, com­ passion and zeal. M o n e y is needed—tithes honestly paid, offerings freely given, sacrificial support of soul-winning effort. W e invite your partnership in our God- given task. THE CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE 260 West 44th Street New York, N.Y. “The Fifth Sparrow” Jam es H . M cConkey’s la te st devotional m es­ sage. A com panion to “The Sure Shepherd.’' “ A faith -stren g th en in g , h eart-q u ick en in g m es­ sage,’’ say s a n ap p reciativ e reader. Do n o t fail to w rite fo r it. S ent ab so lu tely free. A ddress— SILV ER PUBLISH ING SOCIETY, D ept. M, B essem er Bldg., P ittsb u rg h , Penna. “THESANITARY” CUPS Convenient, Noiseless and Sanitary laws now demand them). We make the finest duality of beautiful. polished trays and supply thousands of satisfied congregations. Send for list of these churches and FBEB CATALOG with quotation*. SENT FOR TRIAL S A N ITA R Y COMM UNION O U TFIT CO.. 500-57th St.. Rochester. N. Y. Can a Bobbed Haired Woman Go To Heaven? W h at does th e Bible say a b o u t bobbed h air an d sh o rt sk irts? W hy do we w ear clothes? W h at a b o u t breeches fo r w om en? V ery in te r­ estin g book of six ch ap ters entitled, “ W HAT IS TH E MATTER W ITH TH E CHURCH TO ­ DAY ?“ P rice 25 cents. A. R . FUNDERBURK, N. F an n in S treet, - - Tyler, Texas The individual com­ munion service per­ mits an Impressive ceremony. We in­ troduced individual c u p s (many state

Biola Question Box 9


Rev. W. H. Pike

4. What does it mean in the Lord’s prayer where it says, “Lead us not into temptation” ? Ans.: It does not mean that God tempts any one, for James 1:13 tells u s: “Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God; for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempt- eth no man.” But it does mean that we request God not to lead us into trial and temptation beyond that we are able to bear. And remember 1 Cor. 10:13: “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common ,to man, but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able but will with the temptation also make a way of escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” 5. Is it possible to have “grace” that is vital and at the same time “not legal” ? Or, to put it in another way, can there be such a thing as a substitutionary atone­ ment that is vital and yet not legal? Ans.: The last question has to do with God and the former with man’s accep­ tance of God’s grace. How could God be unrighteous even in making an atone­ ment for sin? He must be righteous and still the Justifier of the ungodly. Right­ eousness is the foundation of salvation, while love is its source. Of course, we could not have an experience in the favor of God that was not righteous. For one can never get an experience from God that is not right, or legal. Romans 3 :21-30 is a full discussion of this subject. out the other, that each is wholly and only for the other. Without the vine the branch can do nothing. To the vine it owes its right of place in the vineyard, its life and its fruitfulness. So the Lord says, “With­ out me ye can do nothing.” The believer can be pleasing to God only in that which he does through the power of Christ dwelling in him. The daily inflowing of the life-sap of the Holy Spirit is his only power to bring forth fruit. He lives alone in Him, and is dependent on Him alone.— Dr. Andrew Murray. May 6— “We went through fire and through water: but thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place" (Psa. 66:12). All forms of dangers and distresses seem comprehended in “fire” and “water,” The smith at his work uses the fire first in order to make his metal malleable; and then, after the hammering, plunges it into water. Steel acquires a hardness, it is said, by being suddenly cooled, as by dip­ ping in water. Many have been through this process, and what experiences they have had of God, both in the “fire” and in the “water.” “When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee; when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.” The “fire” and the “water” often lie on the road to the wealthy place. It was the one

1. Is this phrase Theosophic: “I prayed for help and cast the burden oh the Christ within” ? Ans.: It sounds much like some of these cults, but remember that in Col. 1 :27, Paul speaks of “Christ in us, the Hope of glory.” However, the Christian never prays to the Christ within, but outward and upward to the Christ in person at the right hand of God. It is dangerous to look within. Let the Holy Spirit do the searching within and form Christ within us, but let us constantly look up to Him, casting all our burdens upon Him, who sits in the place of all authority and power. 2. What does Psalm 19:13 mean: “Keep back thy servant from presump­ tuous sins” ? Ans. Probably rash, proud sins. When I am pressed by circumstances without and from irritation of temper or dispo­ sition within, then, Lord, keep me from being presumptuous. 3. What does it mean by the great transgression in the same verse? Ans.: The great transgression mention­ ed here is probably the result of the rash or presumptuous sins. That is, if one loses his temper and in his rashness strikes someone or shoots some one, then a great transgression has been committed. Continued from Page 203) strength until we “mount with wings as eagles, run and are not weary, walk and are not faint.” Our hearts are too small to take in His fulness at a single breath. We must live in the atmosphere of His presence till we absorb His very life. This is the secret of spiritual depth and rest, of power and fulness, of love and prayer, of hope and holy usefulness. “Wait, I say, on the Lord.” May 4— “From Me is thy fruit found" (Hos. 14:8). Nothing keeps us from advancement more than ruts and drifts, and wheel tracks into which our chariots roll and then move on in the narrow line with un­ changing monotony, currents in life’s stream on which we are borne in the old direction until the law of habit almost makes advance impossible. The true remedy for this is to commence at noth­ ing; taking Christ afresh to be the Alpha and Omega of a deeper, higher divine ex­ perience, waiting even for His conception of thought, desire, prayer, and afraid lest our highest thought should be below His great plan of wisdom and love.— A B. Simpson. _0_ May S— “I am the True Vine, and My Father is the Husbandman . . . ye are the branches” (John 15:1, 5). So close is the union between the vine and the branch, that each is nothing with-

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