King's Business - 1929-04


April 1929

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

who could say, “Of the Jews five times received I forty stripes save one. Thrice was I beaten with rods, once was I stoned, thrice I suffered shipwreck, a night and a day I have been in the deep,” who could also speak of the revelations, and being caught up to the third heaven. But the road to paradise lay through all this. What a wealthy place to be in! Such is the way to the wealthy place, and it is the same in differing degrees for all. God and the Other World We were talking with friends, and the question arose as to how real to us were God and the other world. One friend said: “I take it all by faith.” Another said: “The lands over the sea and my friends there are very real to me. God and the other world are just as real.” Still another said: “I do not doubt intel­ lectually, but sometimes I fear it may not all be true. When I get in that state I examine again the evidences and then I am comforted.” Without another world this world is not worth while. There must be another world to adjust the ill adjust­ ments of this world. God’s Book is ex­ plicit about God’s personality and about our own immortality. To those who be­ lieve God’s Word, there is no room for doubt. A profound consciousness of God and of personal immortality makes the honors of this world look small indeed.— Watchman-Examiner. Wheaton College The trustees of Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, have announced that with the opening of the school year Sep­ tember, 1929, the maximum enrollment of the College will be increased to six hun­ dred students. At the beginning of the current year the enrollment was restricted to five hundred students on account of the limited resources, and as a result about one hundred applicants were turned away. To meet this situation the officials of the College launched an effort to raise a Forward Movement Fund of one million dollars. Over one-half of this fund has been subscribed, and in view of this gen­ erous r e s p o n s e from the friends of Wheaton the trustees feel justified in tak­ ing the above action. Mr. George V. Kirk was recently elect­ ed Vice-President of Wheaton College, and will devote his time to the business and financial affairs of the school. Mr. Kirk has been connected with the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago for many years, and it was under his administration as Secretary of the Extension Department of the Institute that its nation-wide pro­ gram of Interdenominational Bible Con­ ferences was developed. Wheaton College is one of the Chris­ tian institutions of higher education that has never wavered in its stand for the orthodox position of its founders; in these days of apostasy, with Christian parents demanding distinctly Christian training for their children, the College is experiencing a splendid growth and de­ velopment along all lines.

An Income Assured—

The Bible Befriended

Your g if t on th e annu ­ ity basis to th e Am e r­ ican Bible Society will assure you teed income 4% to 9% you live. a guaran- of from long as as U ltim a te ly you r g i f t will be released for th e im po r tan t and essential w o r k of transla ting , pub lish ing and d istrib­ u ting t h e Scrip tures the reby h e l p i n g to m ake th e Bible more w idely and more easily available. Tw en ty-seven q u e s ­ tions sim ilar to tho se in t h e opposite column a re answ e red in th e book le t “Bibles a n d Bonds,” a c o p y of which is you rs upon re­ quest. Write for book­ let No. 1-K.

^ W hat is an Annuity • Bond Agreem ent?

9 A r e Annuity B o n d • Agreem ents unques­ tionably safe?

i Do men of recognized business ability secure Annuity Bond Agree­ ments from the Am er­ ican Bible Society? 9 W hat will money in- • vested in A n n u i t y Bond A g r e e m e n t s eventually accomplish through the Am erican • Bible Society? 9 W ha t advan tages do • Annuity Bond Agree­ ments have over m any forms of investments? A re A n n u i t y Bond • Agreem ents r e c o m- m ended as a source of income for widows and persons unfam iliar with financial m atters?



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New York, N. Y.

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