King's Business - 1929-04


April 1929

• T h e . K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

{Continued from Page 177) has gone to prepare for ever. Our Lord promised and gave the gift of the Holy Spirit, who came into the world when Christ departed, and He is still working in the world, and this great work is to recreate or give the new birth to all believers, and to so sanctify all believers that they become more and more like Christ, so that “when we see Him we shall be like Him.” Roughly and summarily stated, this is the common faith of every true believer and of the whole of the real church. Nothing of this can be omitted. The members of the church are open to different interpretations of minor matters and non-essential, yet important matters. One company of believers may hold fast to immersion, another to sprinkling as baptism. One company may put stronger emphasis on the Sovereignty of God, and another on the responsibility of man. One company may empha­ size the dispensational conception of God’s plan, another may be able to recognize but two dispensations, that of the Old Testament and that of the New Testament. One company may hold to the independence in government of each congregation; another may believe in a representative government, and another may believe in the government of bishops. None of these are essential to salvation. They are simply differences of interpretation. Every company should respect the particular interpretation of others while faithful to its own body. But thus respecting their differences, these companies of believers should stand as one body on the great essentials of the faith, and be ever ready to face the present attack of these violent forces, and to “contend earnestly for the faith once for all delivered to the saints.” Never was there a time in the history of the church when there was a stronger divine call for unity of the church in the essentials, and liberty in the non-essentials, and for a determined testimony and contention for the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ. To ignore this condition is to dishonor God and ruin man.— The Presbyterian. Purity, Prayer, Power T HE great need for this year is a new manifestation of the Power of God. We need it for a victorious life, and for a fruitful ministry. Without it there is bound to be defeat; with it we can be more than conquerors. With­ out it there is bound to be barrenness; with it there will be abundant increase. As we approach the end of this present evil age, a greater manifestation of the power of Satan is noticeable. This is necessarily so if the power of God is hindered and limited by His people. When God withdrew His presence and power from Israel because of their sin and disobe­ dience, they were overcome by their enemies; but when God showed His power in their midst, none could stand against them. What is needed today is the saving, keep­ ing, enabling, counteracting and victorious power of the eternal God manifested anew through His people. Noth­ ing else will avail. That a loving Father is willing to give His power to His believing children who delight to do His will, none will deny, for He has declared:—“The people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits” ; but that most Christians today lack this power is sadly apparent. What is the reason? One reason for this lack of power can be found no doubt in a lack of Prayer. As long as Moses lifted up his hands in prayer, the Israelites under Joshua prevailed over

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