April 1929
T h e i K i n g ' s
B u s i n e s ' s
Amalek; but when he weakened and let down his hands, Amalek prevailed. His hands were finally stayed by Aaron and Hur until the going down of the sun, and the victory was won by the people of God. IF WE WANT POWER, WE MUST BE CONSTANTLY IN TOUCH W ITH THE SOURCE OF POWER. Hezekiah prayed when Jerusalem was compassed about with the armies of Assyria. As a result the power o f God was manifested in the destruction of his enemies ahd the deliverance o.f Israel. It was the zeal of the Lord of hosts which gave this victory, because Hezekiah’s prayer was heard in heaven. It is when God’s people recognize their helplessness, and humble themselves under His mighty hand, and call upon Him, that He delights to show His power on their behalf. WE NEED THE PULL OF PRAYER UPON THE POWER OF GOD AS NEVER BEFORE IN THE HISTORY OF THE CHURCH. Shall we not really give ourselves to prayer until there is a new mani festation of the power of God ? What is your answer ? But there is another reason why there is no manifesta tion of the power of God in answer to our prayers. It is a lack of Purity in life,, in heart, in thought, in motive, or in conversation. God looks at the heart and demands that our hearts be perfect before Him. “The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew Him self strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him.” UNCONFESSED SINS W ILL H IN DER OUR COMMUNION W ITH GOD, PREVENT HIS ANSWERS TO OUR PRAYERS AND ROB US OF SPIRITUAL POWER. It was the man after God’s heart who declared:—“If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me.” The prophet of old understood this when he wrote:—“Behold, the Lord’s hand is not ■ shortened, that it cannot save ; neither His ear heavy, that it cannot hear; but your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid His face from you, that He will not hear.” If we are not “praying in the Holy Ghost” (Jude 20), or receiving answers to our prayers, or experiencing fresh manifestations of the power of God in our lives and in our ministry, let us honestly ask Him to search our hearts and see if there be any wicked way in us. There may be no, revelation of outrageous sins as viewed by the world, but only those so-called “little sins” such as bad temper, impatience, pride,=*—1“pride of face, pride of place, or pride of grace” ; envy, strife, jealousy; bitterness, foolishness, sensitiveness; neglect of prayer, NEGLECT OF READ ING GOD’S WORD, self-indulgence; love of money, love of praise, love of pleasure, and such like. But all these grieve and quench the Spirit and prevent us from really praying. Remember that it is generally “the little foxes that spoil the vines,” A little defective wiring prevents the electric current from producing light or power, or it stops a conversation over the telephone. The sainted Robert Murray McCheyne declared:—“I t is not great talents that God blesses so much as great likeness to Jesus; a holy man is a mighty weapon in the hands of God.” Oh, for men today through whom God can again demonstrate His power! We must have a new manifestation of the power of God. This can come only in answer to prevailing prayer, and prevailing prayer is possible only when there is purity of heart and life. Let every Christian be diligent to promote a world wide revival in the entire body of Christ by individual purity, prayer and power.
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