King's Business - 1929-04


April 1929

T h e

K i n g ' s 1 B u s i n e s s

Solomon's Wife R ECENTLY, front-page newspaper publicity was given to a story reporting that archeologists had dug up the mummy of Solomon’s Egyptian wife. The next day the newspapers announced very briefly that the story was pure fiction. Two lessons are obvious. First, don’t believe all you read in the papers. Second, and more important, ar­ cheological discoveries relating to Bible matters are always good for news. No other book holds such a universal interest among men. ¿Wc. Sunday in Brazil I N the March issue of T h e ' K ing ’ s B usiness , Mr. Hoover’s presence on Sunday at a Brazilian race track was made the subject of comment. Word now comes from a reliable source that Mr. Hoover protested strongly against the inclusion of this feature in his program, but finally consented to a brief appearance in order not to disappoint the thousands of people who had gathered there for the purpose of seeing the President-elect of the United States. Majestic spirit, infinitely wise, throned in the far, illimitable skies, yet to our little needs completely near, God of eons, thou art now and here! Thou Christ-con- tinuer, thou loving one sent by the Father to replace the Son, bring to our minds dear memories of Him, and flash resplendent truths once dull and dim. Thou holy Judge, whose vision pierces through deep to the heart of all we say or do, deep to the secret foulness within, stern purity, convict us of our sin ! Thou Comforter, thou pitying Advocate, plead thou our cause before it is too late; lift us, our hindering passions far above, up to the waiting Father’s yearning love. Spirit of fire, burn forth upon our soul! Spirit of truth, illuminate the whole! Spirit of strength, thy vital power give! Spirit of peace, in all our living live! Born of the Spirit, then is life indeed. Led by the Spirit, then we first succeed. Fruit of the Spirit then we brightly bear. O Holy Spirit, take us to thy care!—5\ 5. Times. True Repentance If repentance be genuine, it will drive us from sin to Christ: and the Bible reveals no other salvation but through Him. As prisoners can never open their prison doors by the deepest repentance for their crimes, so no acquittal from the guilt of our sins can ever be obtained but through the sufferings and death of Christ, who opens the prison doors to them that are fast tied and bound with the chain of their sins .—Rowland Hill. The Holy Spirit B y A mos R. W ells a s

bewildered.” The plea was accepted as valid, even by the injured party ! There is nothing new under the sun. The main thing to remember is that the Biblical law for the protection of human life has never been repealed. See Genesis ninth chapter, verses five and six. { as Religion With “No Shirt” O NCE upon a time, according to an ancient legend, the king of a great realm fell sick with a strange disease. Ordinary remedies having failed, all the wise men were called together in solemn conclave to determine what should be done. Only one thing, they said, could save the king. Search must be made for a perfectly happy man. The shirt of such a man, if worn by the king, would cure the terrible disease. At once the hunt began for a perfectly happy man, through cities and villages and to the uttermost borders of the kingdom. For a long time the quest seemed vain, but at last far up oh the mountain side, alone in a humble cabin, they found an old man who said he was perfectly happy. But, alas, he had no shirt. “Modern” religion is like the old man on the mountain side. It has no shirt. It has no remedy for the disease of a world which is stricken unto death. Ur and Los Angeles I N U r of the Chaldees, ancient home of Abraham, the archeologists have uncovered a great death pit contain­ ing forty-five bodies. Among the Sumerians of that day, it was the custom to sacrifice human victims in connection with the burial of some great person. Some people, reading this, will thank God that the world has made progress in some respects at least. Still, we should not feel too superior. In Los Angeles, for example, during the first twenty-one days of 1929, fifty- one victims were sacrificéd to the god of speed. And many of them were children. The ancient Sumerians at least thought they were do­ ing the will of the gods. There is no such excuse for us. Marriage and th e Movies I OUELLA O. PARSONS, very efficient press agent of * the moving picture industry, ventures the hope that this year marriages will outdistance the divorces among the players. This recalls a couple of very interesting questions put to a highly intelligent observer of human affairs here in Southern California. The first question was, “What is the strongest argu­ ment against the moving-picture industry as now con­ ducted?” His answer was, “A record of the marital experiences of its players.” The second question was, “What is the most power­ ful influence opposed to the Christian ideal of marriage in America today?”- His answer was, “The example of prominent players in the moving-picture world.” The word of Christ in Matthew, nineteenth chapter, ninth verse, has never been abrogated. No one is exempt from its high standards, not even the favorites of the screen. By His Word, the high and the low will be judged in the last day.

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