Assistive Technology to Support Emotional Regulation 2023 O…

Apps Apps are programs that can be added to tablets for students to use. There are a variety of apps within different platforms, in- cluding Android and iOS. Some examples of apps that can help students manage their emotions include visual schedule apps, breathing apps, and chat apps.

managing emotions, being able to use non-verbal communication can be one way to process emo- tions and self-regulate.

CHOOSING A TOOL Choosing the tool that may work best for a student when working on self-regulation may be a multi-step process. Once the need is identified, finding tools that provide the needed fea- tures and will work in the student’s environment when needing support becomes the next priority. While many tools have fun features that many students enjoy, it is essential to look at what specific features help the student regulate their emotions and which tools have these features. Consider the environment that the student will be using the tool in and which tools will work well within that environment. For example, if a student is using a Chromebook most of the day at school, choosing an iOS app wouldn’t make the most sense. Helping students regulate their emotions using assistive tech- nology will help them better interact with their classroom envi- ronment, peers, and teachers. This can help students feel a part of their school community and continue to feel safe practicing the self-regulation skills they are learning. Supporting executive functioning, providing assistive technology, and giving students time and space to regulate their emotions will help students improve their self-regulation skills and decrease behaviors that cause disruptions to the classroom and damage the student’s school experience.

• Choiceworks (iOS- $19.99)

o Choiceworks is an app that provides visual sched- ules, complete with customizable pictures of each task. Additionally, the app includes the option to add a timer to tasks and visuals for how to handle emotions. This can help students who need a vi- sual schedule with more options than a low-tech one.

• Pause: Daily Mindfulness (iOS- Free)

o Pause helps students calm themselves and regu- late their emotions through slow movements. This app provides a dot on the screen that moves slow- ly while prompting the user to keep their finger on it. As the user stays on the dot, it grows larg- er. If the movement is too fast and the user loses the dot, the dot shrinks in size. This calming slow movement can help students regain or maintain their emotional regulation when they start to feel escalated.

• Breathing Zone (iOS- Free)

o Breathing Zone is a guided breathing app that prompts students to breathe in and out along with the expansion of the image on the screen. Deep and controlled breathing is a way that many stu- dents become aware of their breathing and esca- lated emotional state and learn to control it.

• Mindful Powers (iOS- Free/Paid)

o Mindful Powers is a game-style meditation app. It provides instruction on deep breathing and other self-regulation techniques while encouraging us- ers to take care of their pet Flibbertigibbet. Before each lesson, the student must smooth the Flibber- tigibbet by slowly petting it with their finger. If the student is too rough or fast, the Flibbertigibbet becomes upset.

• Emergency Chat (Android/iOS- Free)

o Emergency chat is an app created to help individ- uals communicate when they struggle with verbal communication. When the app is opened, a cus- tomizable message shows on the screen, explain- ing that the app user cannot communicate verbal- ly at the time but would like to communicate via text. The app provides a simple text-messaging in- terface where both parties can write to each other on a single device. For students who struggle with


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