King's Business - 1921-08

754 THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S “A Christian responds to th e challenges of Jesus—moral, ethical, social, sp iritual. A Christian approves and pursues Christ; he subm its to Christ’s m as­ te ry of his life- Are you game to subscribe to th a t in te rp re tatio n of a Christian? A re you responding to these m eanings of Christ which have been b rough t home to you? Then, surely you have th e rig h t to b ear H is nam e.” But we are" thinking, in contrast to this, of Paul’s definition in 1 Cor. 1 : 18 - 21 : “F o r th e preaching of th e cross is to them th a t perish, foolishness; b u t unto u s which are saved, it is th e power of God. F o r a fte r th a t in th e wisdom of God th e world by w isdom knew no t God, it pleased God by th e foolishness of preaching to save th em th a t believe.” Notice Paul did not say “ by foolish preaching. ” Were that true, then this sermon would have produced a large number of converts, for it is about as foolish as any sermon we have eyer read. ' We cannot give any better advice to this Presbyterian pastor than that contained in a recent editorial in “ The Presbyterian” entitled “ A Manly and Timely Action” : “Rev. H. M. Gesner, who h as been p asto r of th e F irs t P resby terian Church of F a ston, P a., fo r seven years, h as resigned to jo in th e Unitarians. He has done th is fo r th e sole reason th a t h e h as reached th e conclusion th a t h is views and beliefs are such th a t it is no longer rig h t o r p roper fo r him to occupy an evangeli­ cal pulpit. I t would be well if men of sim ilar belief would do likew ise.” T. C. H. W l 3 k STRA IGHTAHEAD ! This is the motto of the City of Los Angeles which boasts of its won­ derful achievements during the last few years. We are thinking they got this idea from the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, for that has been our motto and policy from the beginning. “Straight ahead!” With an old-fashioned statement of doctrine, based upon the old Bible and the whole Bible ; in spite of criticism from some of the “ new theologians” who pretend to know more than God does, and assure us that the old Book will .not stand because the larger light of the Twentieth Century, radiating from the Chicago University, and percolating through their brilliant brains has shattered forever those shallow, crude and childish views which once upon a time dominated the thinking of our fathers. We commend this motto to you. It is splendid; it is inspiring; it is God’s message; ' “Straight ahead!” Playing no favorites; telling the truth; magnify­ ing the Son of God who came from heaven and took upon Him the form of a servant,, was born of the Virgin Mary, was crucified, dead and buried, ascended into Heaven, sat down at the riglit hand of God where He ever liveth to make intercession for us, and who is coming in the clouds of glory to have us- with Himself. “Straight ahead!” Willing to make any sacrifice in behalf of a lost world, excepting the sacrifice of our honor, or the sacrifice of the integ­ rity of God’s own Book. “ Straight ahead!” In response to His call “ Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. ” “Straight ahead!” In obedience to His command to give the Gospel to every creature.

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