King's Business - 1921-08

Could I Make My Spare Time Count to Greater Advantage ? THAT QUESTION CONFRONTS EVERY CHRISTIAN to Christ? Can I talk intelligently on fundamental questions of the Christian faith? What do I know about the Word of God? Could I lead a soul enter into your considerations. Our courses are designed to bring to your home' the vital helps to Bible study that will aid in making you an efficient worker for Christ. God will give all His children work if they will get their tools ready. He is looking for men and vtojnen who know how to handle the “ sword of the Spirit.” He needs them in every church in these momentous times. We would be glad to furnish you full information regard­ ing our five Bible courses outlined below: 1. ,FUNDAMENTAL DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY by Dr. R. A. Torrey, Dean of.the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Cost $5. 2. LIFE AND TEACHINGS OF OUR LORD'by Dr. R. A, Torrey. Cost $5. 3. THROUGH THE OLD TESTAMENT BY BOOKS AND CHAPTERS by Rev. John H. Hunter, Secretary of the Faculty of the Bible In­ stitute. Cost $3. 4. PERSONAL EVANGELISM AND PRACTICAL WORK by Rev. T. C. Horton, Supt. Bible Institute. Cost $3. 5. BOOK STUDY by Rev. W. H. Pike, Secretary Evening School of Bible Institute. Cost $3. Correspondence Courses in the Bible While you are debating these questions, let these

Write to SECRETARY CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL Bible Institute of Los Angeles

536-558 South Hope Street

Los Angeles, Cal.

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